CONTROLLED CHAOS. Digital synthesis by A.G. (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. #historiotheque #noisefield #noisefields #noisefieldtheory #noisesynthesis #controlledchaos
#historiotheque #noisefield #noisefields #noisefieldtheory #noisesynthesis #controlledchaos
Quite a few new mints overnight on Ordo versus Chaos!
Currently, 21/1000 minted, 1 tez.
#wave #lerp #gradient #repetition #mirror #ChaosAndOrder #OrdoVersusChaos #Waveforms #ControlledChaos
#wave #lerp #gradient #repetition #mirror #chaosandorder #ordoversuschaos #waveforms #controlledchaos
My newest project on @fx_hash_, Ordo versus Chaos, is now live. Thanks to the minters out of the gate @GrouchyzNFT, @Artsofchet, @Earl__reno, and Anonymous, you guys rock!👊
ed of 1000, 1tez, #LETSGO
#wave #lerp #gradient #repetition #mirror #Waveforms #ControlledChaos
#letsgo #wave #lerp #gradient #repetition #mirror #waveforms #controlledchaos
"This is nothing more than a juvenile stunt. If they want to make a real difference, they should focus their efforts on more constructive activities. #TrumpMustGo #IlluminatiPlans #FocusOnTheFuture #ControlledChaos #NoTimeForGames
#trumpmustgo #illuminatiplans #focusonthefuture #controlledchaos #notimeforgames