@kevinrothrock We'd be naive not to consider the possibility that this is a sort of good cop/bad cop thing. Else why is it tolerated? #ControlledOpposition
CNN is #BlueMAGA so I'm not really surprised that they're still platforming the face of #RedMAGA #ControlledOpposition
#BlueMAGA #redmaga #controlledopposition
Because they're waiting for the narratives to put maximum blame on Republicans... Before McCarthy grandstands and gives the "Dems" most of what they want "temporarily."
Then we do this all over again... #ControlledOpposition
What we are saying is CloudFlare, as a USA-based #dotcon that is supposedly helping to combat #cyberattacks, but has in fact been serving somes sites that pirate content. Why might that be?
These websites are often designed to look like Russian websites but would a real Russian really allow their website to be mass surveilled by the worst USA MITM Attack (CloudFlare) the world has seen? We doubt it.
See #astroturf, #frontGroup or #controlledOpposition for more.
#dotcon #cyberattacks #astroturf #frontgroup #controlledopposition
“prosecutor's overreach?” Ok. Thank you #MittRomney for finally showing us who you really are.
#controlledopposition #mittromney
Shelomavitch (maternal) is a Jewish surname, sorry Q Jew anon pawn #ControlledOpposition
#MichaelYon reveals presence of #controlledopposition in #Dutchfarmer #protests
#protests #Dutchfarmer #controlledopposition #MichaelYon
Americans deceived by opposition groups controlled by the #Left #ControlledOpposition #deception
#deception #controlledopposition #left
Americans deceived by opposition groups controlled by the #Left
#deception #controlledopposition #left
If you’re surprised to find #IlhanOmar using #MattGaetz as a character reference, you haven’t been paying attention. They also voted together against banning Russian oil imports and both use bogus anti-war claims as a justification for voting against sending arms to Ukraine.
The far left and far right are two sides of the same ruble.
#ilhanomar #mattgaetz #populism #controlledopposition #horseshoetheory
Not everyone is how they seem #chaosagents #controlledopposition #medicalfreedom #MathewCrawford
#MathewCrawford #medicalfreedom #controlledopposition #chaosagents
Not everyone is how they seem
#chaosagents #controlledopposition #medicalfreedom #MathewCrawford
#MathewCrawford #medicalfreedom #controlledopposition #chaosagents
Prediction: In the next five years “Greens”, “Socialists” and “liberals” calling the cops and setting them on activists, unionists, revolutionaries & ordinary outraged citizens will become normalised… #ControlledOpposition #GreenCops #LabourCops #NeoliberalsAreNotYourFriends
#controlledopposition #greencops #labourcops #neoliberalsarenotyourfriends
RT @SourceForTruth
EXPOSING THE ENEMY: #ROBERTMALONE #DoD #DeepState #CointelPro #ControlledOpposition
This savvy #AttorneyReinerFuellmich has #Malone squarely in his sights.Fuellmich:"Malone #infiltrated the #HealthFreedomMovement to silence good ppl with lawsuits.I cant stand that #bully!"👇
#bully #healthfreedommovement #infiltrated #malone #attorneyreinerfuellmich #controlledopposition #cointelpro #deepstate #dod #RobertMalone
If you’re a #gop ’er U have #Cuckoo ’ed Twtr to #controlledopposition & #us
#us #controlledopposition #cuckoo #gop
@JuliusGoat ...and that was how we mostly reverted to the days of The Jungle (1906), in just over a century. 😥
#HousingCrisis #MeToo #GofundmeForAll #ControlledOpposition
#housingcrisis #metoo #gofundmeforall #controlledopposition
That’s right: #AOC voted AGAINST the #OmnibusSpendingBill. Just like she voted AGAINST the #InfrastructureBill and AGAINST using the the assets of #RussianOligarchs to fund #Ukraine and AGAINST increased funding for the #CapitolPolice and AGAINST funding for Ukraine this past September.
AOC is #ControlledOpposition. She’s gaslighting you. Wake up.
#aoc #omnibusspendingbill #infrastructurebill #russianoligarchs #Ukraine #CapitolPolice #controlledopposition
People seem to be able to grasp that Putin and the PayPal Mafia would seek to infiltrate and take over the GOP, but seem completely incapable of accepting that Putin and the PayPal Mafia are attempting to do the exact same thing to the Democratic Party using left wing populist candidates like Bernie, Warren and The Squad.
It’s both a failure of imagination and a refusal to look at the evidence.
#politics #ControlledOpposition #populism #PayPalMafia #Putin
#politics #controlledopposition #populism #paypalmafia #Putin