The Human League // #TheHumanLeague //
The Things That Dreams Are Made Of (Sare Havlicek Extended LM1 Dub, 2013)
[original version by The Human League, album Dare, 1981]
//via // #ControlRoomRecordings //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #remix #TheHumanLeague #TheThingsThatDreamsAreMadeOf #SareHavlicek
link youtube:
#thehumanleague #controlroomrecordings #brandunbrand #youtube #music #remix #thethingsthatdreamsaremadeof #sarehavlicek
The Human League // #TheHumanLeague //
The Things That Dreams Are Made Of (Sare Havlicek Extended LM1 Dub, 2013)
[original version by The Human League, album Dare, 1981]
//via // #ControlRoomRecordings //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #remix #TheHumanLeague #TheThingsThatDreamsAreMadeOf #SareHavlicek
link youtube:
#thehumanleague #controlroomrecordings #brandunbrand #youtube #music #remix #thethingsthatdreamsaremadeof #sarehavlicek