If you are just starting in #ControlTheory or need a refresher, check out my introduction to #PIDController video! I cover the basic theory and how they work.
#controltheory #pidcontroller #arduino #microcontroller #controller #sensor
I know I haven't been posting much lately. I've just been slightly depressed about my job and stuff.
I've been working on making changes to improve things, but for now I feel like I'm in Limbo and I don't have a lot of motivation to be chatty and whimsical.
I'll be fine, though. I've been really enjoying my studies lately. Stepping through #ControlTheory exercises has given me an appreciation for #ElectricalEngineering that I never had before. 😺
#controltheory #electricalengineering #engineering #career
A couple decades ago it occurred to me that the dynamics of disagreement often tend toward polarization rather than toward unification at a higher level of understanding.
Further, it seemed (to me) that this might be analogous to the behavior of a feedback loop out of control and going to one or the other of its extreme rails.
And further, this seemed (to me) to be the behavior of a system finding its lowest energy/information state, associated with lack of requisite variety.
This behavior seemed (to me) generalizable in principle across systems based on electronics, mechanisms, …, human individuals, and groups.
At that time I was active in a forum of Very Smart People, and when I ventured this observation/opinion it received no interest or engagement.
I'm wondering whether now, twenty years later, with polarization in politics being grossly apparent, whether anyone reading this might be able to recommend some sources of more extensive thinking on the question of such a general principle…?
#agreement #disagreement #polarization #systemsTheory #controlTheory #systemsThinking #politics #leastEnergy #leastInformation #requisiteVariety
#RequisiteVariety #leastinformation #leastenergy #politics #systemsthinking #controltheory #systemstheory #polarization #Disagreement #agreement
A review on different applications of control ideas to neuroscience, #motorcontrol and #decisionmaking, using in particular #controltheory and #perceptual #control.
The description of perceptual control seems suspiciously close to Friston's #activeinference...
#activeinference #control #perceptual #controltheory #decisionmaking #motorcontrol
A review on the #senseofagency, which in general is != #agency, but does share some commonalities, both ideological and methodological ones, see for example "theories of the sense of agency" where the #comparatormodel is none other than a portion of a #feedback #loop from #controltheory (the diagrams in this paper are admittedly quite weird though).
#controltheory #loop #feedback #comparatormodel #agency #senseofagency
My new post provides an introduction to my field of research. It's written for a non-technical audience. Please comment if you have any questions!
I plan to also write more posts explaining my research in more details.
#controltheory #math #research #job #blog #phd
"Langevin algorithms for Markovian Neural Networks and Deep Stochastic control"
#MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ControlTheory #Optimization #DifferentialEquations
#arxivfeed #machinelearning #deeplearning #controltheory #optimization #differentialequations
The map of control theory is now available in Romanian! You can download a free hi-res version from my website,  https://engineeringmedia.com/map-of-control, along with 12 other languages.
A huge thank you to AncuÈ›a MONE and Matei Popescu for providing the translation and reviewing it for typos.Â
"Intrinsic Motivation in Dynamical Control Systems"
#ControlTheory #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence
#arxivfeed #dynamicalsystems #controltheory #machinelearning #artificialintelligence
Oh wait, is this what hash tags are for?
Some control humor for you! What kind of bowler are you?
Dynamic Programming is one way to arrive at the solution of the Markov Decision Process or MDP used in Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems.
In the third article on the Foundational RL series, I discuss dynamic programming and briefly talk about Approximate Dynamic Programming.
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #autonomousdriving #robotics #dynamicprogramming
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #autonomousdriving #robotics #dynamicprogramming
Dynamic Programming is one way to arrive at the solution of the Markov Decision Process or MDP used in Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems.
In the third article on the Foundational RL series, I discuss dynamic programming and briefly talk about Approximate Dynamic Programming.
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #autonomousdriving #robotics #dynamicprogramming
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #autonomousdriving #robotics #dynamicprogramming
Did you know that Bellman Equation is also called the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in control theory or control engineering?
Check out my recent article on Bellman Equation for Reinforcement Learning in the context of the Markov Decision Process.
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #artificialintelligence #python #autonomousdriving #autonomousvehicles #robotics
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #artificialintelligence #python #autonomousdriving #AutonomousVehicles #robotics
Did you know that Bellman Equation is also called the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in control theory or control engineering?
Check out my recent article on Bellman Equation for Reinforcement Learning in the context of the Markov Decision Process.
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #artificialintelligence #python #autonomousdriving #autonomousvehicles #robotics
#controlsystems #controltheory #controlengineering #engineering #learning #rl #reinforcementlearning #datascience #machinelearning #ml #ai #artificialintelligence #python #autonomousdriving #AutonomousVehicles #robotics
Autonomous Navigation, part 4! Where am I? (The Localization Problem)
#autonomousnavigation #matlab #controltheory
Autonomous Navigation, part 4! Where am I? (The Localization Problem)
#autonomousnavigation #matlab #controltheory
Autonomous Navigation, part 3! The 4 capabilities of autonomous navigation systems.
#autonomousnavigation #matlab #controltheory
Autonomous Navigation, part 3! The 4 capabilities of autonomous navigation systems.
#autonomousnavigation #matlab #controltheory
Time for a very late #introduction!
I'm an Associate Professor at #Arizona State University (#ASU), where I do a lot of inter- and multi-disciplinary work straddling animal behavior/behavioral ecology, autonomous systems/robotics, optimization/analytics, and machine learning/AI. Lately, I've been doing a lot of work with #ants, #bees, #swarmIntelligence, and #brain-inspired #AI. But my background is in #controlTheory.
Otherwise, yay to #dogs, #hiking, #nature, and #homeImprovement! 😃
#homeimprovement #nature #hiking #dogs #controltheory #ai #brain #swarmintelligence #bees #ants #asu #arizona #introduction