"As it turned out Bruno Latour was strongly supportive of our approach: the development of interdisciplinary methods of inquiry, which combine social science with art and design, became one of his principal occupations in the decades that followed."
Excerpt from “Seven moments with Bruno Latour” by @NoortjeMarres: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/03/08/seven-moments-bruno-latour-noortje-marres/
#brunolatour #STS #feministsts #politicalecology #4s #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods #isabellestengers #donnaharaway
#donnaharaway #IsabelleStengers #digitalmethods #issuemapping #controversymapping #philosophy #4s #politicalecology #FeministSTS #sts #brunolatour
"Seven moments with Bruno Latour" – a moving account of memories, conversations, encounters from 2000 to 2022 by @NoortjeMarres: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03063127231159852
#BrunoLatour #STS #feministsts #politicalecology #4s #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods
#brunolatour #sts #FeministSTS #politicalecology #4S #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods