@z428 i blocked #amazon when it first attacked a union organizer. Nothing you get there is unobtainable without it, and i feel better about buying from ethical humans every chance i get. Turns out, #convenience is society's achilles heel.
#CapitalismKills for #profit
We all have a role to play in defending humanity from #capitalism
#amazon #convenience #capitalismkills #profit #capitalism
Labor built this country and I hope y’all get a chance to celebrate. From Our Family to Yours, Happy Labor Day!
#LaborDay #FamilyTime" #AirportTransfer #Convenience #LuxurySedan #ExecutiveTransport #TransportationConcierge
(408) 657-0254
TCP#41381A | Black Car Service
#laborday #familytime #airporttransfer #convenience #luxurysedan #executivetransport #transportationconcierge
Your Airport Transfer, Simplified!
Just one text, and your journey begins! Enjoy the ultimate comfort and convenience with Capitol Car Service. Your ride, your way.
#AirportTransfer #Convenience #VolvoS90 #chevysuburban #ExecutiveTransport #LuxurySedan #TransportationConcierge
Now serving #SMF, #SJC, and #SFO
(408) 657-0254
TCP#41381A | Black Car Service
#airporttransfer #convenience #volvos90 #chevysuburban #executivetransport #luxurysedan #transportationconcierge #smf #sjc #sfo
The MCD has unveiled plans to initiate a doorstep delivery system for 23 services, taking inspiration from the ‘Delhi government model.
#MCD #DoorstepDelivery #Services #Citizens #TechSavvy #Convenience #IndiaNews
#mcd #doorstepdelivery #services #citizens #techsavvy #convenience #indianews
"Please #reboot at your earliest #convenience"
Ah ! A real #gentleman * that #php !
*(insert personal #equivalent)
#reboot #convenience #gentleman #php #equivalent
bld is starting to build up a nice collection of extensions, many contributed by @ethauvin!
If you haven't checked out #bld yet, please do so. You can thank us later: https://rife2.com/bld
#bld #java #buildtools #purejava #convenience #codecomfort
#SusanSwift says about 98% of #abortions in #America are just for #convenience
#SusanSwift #abortions #America #convenience
The problem of convenience: Why consumers always choose convenience over privacy
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the balance between convenience and privacy has become an ever-present challenge.
#privacy #technews #security #convenience #technology
#privacy #technews #security #convenience #Technology
@henry @vowe it's not even adding any #Convenience to the process compared to #Paysafecard or (god forbid!) even #PayPal...
Because in the end nobody cares about the underlying tech and shoving #Blockchain doesn't make things better...
Or as @beka_valentine said on a discussion on :birdsite: :twitter: once:
'Stuff doesn't need blockchain!'
A lot of #TechBros are so preoccupied with shoving it in they don't hesitate to even ask if they should!
#techbros #BlockChain #PayPal #paysafecard #convenience
Do you have a #UTI or #erectiledysfunction? If so, share that information with the new #Amazon #virtual #medical #clinic !!
It’s easy! Just ignore the company's previous intrusions on your #data and #privacy and #Security !
Then - because your face isn't enough to assist you - just hand over your driver’s license or passport. Like you ALWAYS do when you see your #doctor
So convenient! And, honestly, #convenience is SO much more important than personal privacy and data security, isn’t it?
#uti #erectiledysfunction #amazon #virtual #medical #clinic #data #privacy #security #doctor #convenience
"big fan of #marriages of #convenience. #marry your best #friend for #tax #benefits. marry your #roommate for #college #tuition breaks. "marry" your #love interest for plot-contrived #reasons at a #fake #wedding, then accidentally fall in love & get married for real in the #epilogue. so many #possibilities!"
#marriages #convenience #marry #friend #tax #benefits #roommate #college #tuition #love #reasons #fake #wedding #epilogue #possibilities
a wonderful Life!
but You must pay with Cancer.
Modern Convenience.
#Haiku #Cancer #Convenience #ToxicLoad #ModernLife #Consumerism #CapitalismKills #EnvironmentalDestruction
#haiku #cancer #convenience #toxicload #modernlife #consumerism #capitalismkills #environmentaldestruction #youcanrunforthecurebutnotfromthecause
"Why These Old Japanese Vending Machines Are Genius" by @strangeparts
#Japan #vending #machines #convenience #food
#nixietubes #retro #tech
#japan #Vending #machines #convenience #food #nixietubes #retro #tech
Grundnahrungsmittel genügen doch! Warum man plastikverpacktes Convenience braucht, verstehe ich sowieso nicht.
Die Wahl zum Goldenen Windbeutel 2023 hat begonnen. Zusammen mit aufmerksamen Verbraucher:innen hat foodwatch fünf Produkte für die dreisteste Werbelüge des Jahres nominiert. Stimmen Sie jetzt ab und bestimmen Sie den Gewinner des industrieweit gefürchteten Schmähpreises ...
#Ernährung #GoldenerWindbeutel #Convenience #Verbrauchertauschung
#verbrauchertauschung #convenience #GoldenerWindbeutel #ernahrung
When you buy a #Linux #VPS with #Bitcoin, you are getting a private virtual #server with dedicated resources like CPU, RAM and network bandwidth. By combining the #security and performance of VPS with the #privacy and #convenience of Bitcoin payments, users have more control over their data.
#linux #vps #bitcoin #server #security #privacy #convenience
What is your mentality for credit card #shorts #wealth #money #convenience #life
#life #convenience #money #wealth #shorts
:boost_ok: Poll: Best #Onigiri in #Düsseldorf, #NRW, #Germany from?
#combini #kombini #convenience #snacks #japanese #Food #Germany #nrw #dusseldorf #onigiri
Es geht uns einfach zu gut...
Trotz 30% wird das meiste wohl im Müll landen.
#Lebensmittelverschwendung #Rewe #Frischetheke #Convenience #EssenFürdieTonne #Verantwortung
#lebensmittelverschwendung #rewe #frischetheke #convenience #essenfurdietonne #verantwortung
“7-Eleven plant Einstieg in den deutschen Markt / Führender #Convenience Anbieter sucht nach Master-#Franchise-Kandidaten in #Deutschland” https://www.presseportal.de/pm/169476/5479660
#deutschland #franchise #convenience
Check Out the Top Twelve Kitchen Must-Haves for 2023 You'll Love https://countryfamilyrecipes.com/2023/04/06/check-out-the-top-twelve-kitchen-must-haves-for-2023-youll-love/ #KitchenMustHaves #Gadgets #Tools #Cooking #Baking #Appliances #Convenience #Quality #Functionality #Durability #Style #Design #Efficiency #Performance #Innovation #Versatility #EaseOfUse
#kitchenmusthaves #gadgets #tools #cooking #baking #appliances #convenience #quality #functionality #durability #style #design #efficiency #performance #innovation #versatility #easeofuse