Der @Estaran testet heute nicht nur neues Spielzeug, er schneidet auch die kommende #Podcast-Folge. Die erscheint am kommenden Montag wie immer auf allen Plattformen, auf denen es den @plotthook gibt. 😁
Und sonst? Kommendes Wochenende findet wieder einmal die jährliche @gamesvention in #Kempten (#Allgäu) statt.
Auch dazu ist bei uns etwas geplant! Vielleicht sieht man sich ja vor Ort? 😎
#Convention #Brettspiele #Kartenspiele #Tabletop #Wargaming #Videospiele #LANParty #PnP #PnPde
#podcast #kempten #allgau #convention #brettspiele #kartenspiele #tabletop #wargaming #videospiele #lanparty #pnp #pnpde
Schedule has been adjusted and updated! Get all the details at and don't forget that NSFW panels require one-time paid access through and should be done BEFORE the event as the roles are processed manually.
#convention #VirtualConvention #VirtualEvent #OnlineEvent #OnlineConvention #CozyConOnline #Discord #Twitch #Mixcloud #VRChat
#convention #virtualconvention #virtualevent #onlineevent #onlineconvention #cozycononline #discord #twitch #mixcloud #vrchat
Question pour ceux qui font souvent des #convention les arnaqueurs qui se font passer pour des associations qui te demandent 47€ pour payer un an de licence pour les jeunes de banlieues (pas précaire attention) c'est fréquent ?
Je précise que j'ai pas donné d'argent parce que 47€ pour moi c'est beaucoup (je suis endetté).
In Herxheim gibt es eine schöne Jonglierconvention im Oktober.
Vom 20.-22. Oktober kann man dort ein wunderbares Wochenende mit vielen kreativen Menschen erleben. Lest einfach nur den Text auf der Webseite:
Die ChaosCon in Herxheim ist sicher eine Reise wert!
#circus #cirque #convention #juggling #acrobatics
Day 2 of the convention today. I keep wondering why I do this to myself… Surely there are better way for my son to sell his art?
Yesterday was busy so we sold well, but the flip side of that was that we were both exhausted from so much social interaction. Plus, my son had a new product he was very excited about and no one seemed to care. He worked SO hard to get it finished too, so it’s gutting that it didn’t sell. Fingers crossed there’s more interest today.
#weekend #convention
WasabiCon 2023 anime convention has been added to the event calendar! 🗓️
Coming up on October 13-15, 2023 in Jacksonville, Florida USA 🏙️:
Check out hundreds of other #Conference and #Convention events in our #GameIndustry calendar. #GameDev @WasabiCon
#conference #convention #gameindustry #gamedev
In einem Monat geht es endlich wieder auf eine Convention. Mindestens ein Cosplay werde ich dort tragen, aber ich muss mich noch entgültig entscheiden welches 😅
👩🌾 👨🌾 Saisonnier·ère·s Agricoles - Brochure Juridique par la Confédération Nationale du Travail
#CNT #travailleuses #travailleurs #saisonnières #saisonniers #agricoles #brochure #autodéfense #juridique #droits #contrat #salaire #grève #convention #collective #accident #syndicat
#syndicat #accident #collective #convention #greve #salaire #contrat #droits #juridique #autodefense #brochure #agricoles #saisonniers #saisonnieres #travailleurs #travailleuses #cnt
Dragon Con 2023: Music Games
Save Point brought a whole bevy of Japanese arcade music games to DragonCon this year. I am of two minds of them: it's definitely niche and I'm in favor of that, and it's nice to see a genre like this represented well. But they brought so many of them, and they were stationed close
#niche #2023 #bemani #convention #dancedancerevolution #ddr #dragoncon #konami #music #niche #popnmusic #rhythmheaven #soundvoltex
#niche #bemani #convention #dancedancerevolution #ddr #dragoncon #konami #music #popnmusic #rhythmheaven #soundvoltex
What is it with this fashion for putting the Euro sign after the number? I first saw it a couple of weeks or so ago, and now it's all over the place.
eg 40€ rather than €40
I'm not against it: just wondering what gives?
#typography #convention #currency #communication
#communication #currency #convention #typography
#Water! #Science! #Convention!
If any of those words brought a sparkle to your eyes imagine what it's like when they're all together. The next American Geophysical Union #WaterScience Convention is scheduled for June of 2024.
Submit your presentation proposal today ⬇️
#WaterScience #convention #science #water
I am VERY MUCH HERE for Marcio Moreno holding a very happy Chris Jane in his arms 🥰😂 #ResidentEvil4Remake #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil #Cast #Sacanime2023 #Convention #ChristopherJane #ChrisJane #MarcioMoreno #GenevieveBuechner #AndrePena #NickApostolides #Gaming #ShareYourGames
#ResidentEvil4remake #residentevil4 #residentevil #cast #sacanime2023 #convention #christopherjane #chrisjane #marciomoreno #genevievebuechner #andrepena #nickapostolides #gaming #shareyourgames
I’m so here for Chris Jane and his proud smile sorry but not sorry 😅 #ResidentEvil4Remake #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil #ChristopherJane #ChrisJane #NickApostolides #GenevieveBuechner #AndrePena #MarcioMoreno #Videogame #Cast #Convention #Sacanime2023 #ShareYourGames
#ResidentEvil4remake #residentevil4 #residentevil #christopherjane #chrisjane #nickapostolides #genevievebuechner #andrepena #marciomoreno #videogame #cast #convention #sacanime2023 #shareyourgames
Vom 10. bis zum 12. November ist in Nürnberg Jonglierconvention. Ein Ort zum Trainieren, Lernen, Staunen und ganz viel Spaß haben.
Die Anmeldung ist gestartet:
Ich bin da, wer noch?
Since I don't think they are on here yet, I'll do the job of boosting this!
Early tickets for Bristol BSides (UK) 04/11/2023 are now on sale. First one for a while. Hosted in UWEs big shiny new building too.
(I am not affiliated with Bristol BSides I just noticed they do not have a presence here).
#infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #conference #convention #informationsecurity
#infosec #CyberSecurity #hacking #conference #convention #informationsecurity
We just tasted the #STALKER energy drink, they gave us after we tested the game at #Gamescom.
I gotta say it tastes interesting.
Nothing I would choose to drink, but between all the energy drinks I tried (so far), this one definitely stands out.
Definitely a unique way to reward your fans for testing your #game, that's for sure :blobcataww:
#STALKER2 #EnergyDrink #Gamescom2023 #Convention #Gaming #VideoGames #ShareYourGames
#stalker #gamescom #game #stalker2 #energydrink #gamescom2023 #convention #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
Prepping for SaltCON End-of-Summer #ttrpg #convention that is coming up this weekend.
Prepping for SaltCON-End of Summer – TardisCaptain's Blog of Holding
That treaty is the #Convention on the #RightsoftheChild, which is considered the most widely ratified #treaty in #history because *every* country in the world **except** the #UnitedStates has signed on to it.
#UNisCivilSociety #PetroOligarchsAreRICO #NationalizeFossilFuels #DefenseProductionAct
#convention #rightsofthechild #treaty #history #unitedstates #uniscivilsociety #petrooligarchsarerico #nationalizefossilfuels #defenseproductionact
#convention #jdr #liege
des infos en plus :)
Sponsor tier apparel items are slowly arriving! A few more on the way but we're packing them up to get mailed out as soon as we can.
Get sweet swag on
#CozyConOnline #Convention #VirtualConvention #virtualEvent #tshirt #pogs #arcade #buttonPins
#cozycononline #convention #virtualconvention #virtualevent #tshirt #pogs #arcade #buttonpins