A national citizens' assembly on assisted dying has been running in France since 9 December 2022. @hughpope, as a mini public expert, is observing the assembly and reports on it.
#conventioncitoyennefindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
A national citizens' assembly on assisted dying has been running in France since 9 December 2022. Hugh Pope, as a mini public expert, is observing the assembly and reports on it. https://www.buergerrat.de/en/news/im-very-proud-to-be-here/ #conventioncitoyennefindevie #conventioncitoyenne #findevie
#conventioncitoyennefindevie #ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie
At the heart of the French Citizens' Assembly on assisted dying https://youtu.be/NlTjhbGMVxY #conventioncitoyenne #findevie #conventioncitoyennefindevie
#ConventionCitoyenne #FinDeVie #conventioncitoyennefindevie
Avec #SIC, retrouvez la sélection de l'info catho :
👉 Le #Pape en larmes pour l’#Ukraine
👉 Le début de la #conventioncitoyennefindevie
👉 Le bilan des ressources financières de l’ #Église
#eglise #conventioncitoyennefindevie #ukraine #Pape #SiC
Si la question de la fin de vie divise la #France 🇫🇷, qu'en est-il en #Europe ? Éléments de réponse avec notre correspondant à Bruxelles @PierreBenazet #ConventionCitoyenne #conventioncitoyennefindevie
#france #europe #conventioncitoyenne #conventioncitoyennefindevie
La Convention citoyenne sur la fin de vie s'ouvre ce vendredi pour trois mois, regroupant plus de 170 personnes tirées au sort. Quels sont les enjeux de ce débat, depuis la loi Leonetti-Claeys de 2016 ? #conventioncitoyennefindevie
A citizens' assembly on assisted dying begins today in France. Until March 2023, 150 randomly selected citizens will discuss the issue and develop recommendations on it. https://www.buergerrat.de/en/news/citizens-assembly-on-assisted-dying-in-france/ #conventioncitoyennefindevie #citizensassembly
#conventioncitoyennefindevie #citizensassembly
France’s citizens' assembly of 150 members of the public will meet on Friday to begin discussions on end-of-life care in France, including whether assisted suicide should be legalised. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20221207-the-fear-of-a-bad-death-france-to-begin-citizens-debate-on-end-of-life-care #conventioncitoyennefindevie #citizensassembly
#conventioncitoyennefindevie #citizensassembly