Conserving more areas of the #SouthernOcean wouldn’t just benefit Antarctica, but could also help propel efforts to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, which global leaders recently agreed to under the #ConventionOnBiologicalDiversity.
“Designating these marine protected areas, which are mature and ready, would be one of the best ways to actually move towards meeting that objective
#conventiononbiologicaldiversity #southernocean
Global News BC: Invasive Species Council of BC taking part in UN biodiversity summit in Montreal #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CanadianCouncilonInvasiveSpecies #conventiononbiologicaldiversity #InvasiveSpeciesCouncilofBC #UNBiodiversityConference #biodiversitysummit #InvasiveSpecies #UnitedNations #biodiversity #Environment #Montreal #UNSummit #COP15 #ISCBC #CCIS
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #CanadianCouncilonInvasiveSpecies #conventiononbiologicaldiversity #InvasiveSpeciesCouncilofBC #UNBiodiversityConference #biodiversitysummit #invasivespecies #unitednations #biodiversity #environment #montreal #UNSummit #cop15 #ISCBC #CCIS