»Blurring The Lines: The #Convergence Of #Telcos And #Techcos.« https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/08/29/blurring-the-lines-the-convergence-of-telcos-and-techcos/?Metaver.se #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #VR #AR #MR
#convergence #telcos #techcos #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #VR #AR #MR
"Asylum seekers in #Greece ‘facing two great injustices of our time’ #Amnesty links wildfires and lack of legal migration routes to deaths of 19 people believed to be asylum seekers.
Refugees and migrants in Greece are facing off against the “two great injustices of our times”, Amnesty International has said, as it linked wildfires and scant access to legal migration routes to the deaths of 19 people believed to be asylum seekers.
As wildfires continue to rage across swathes of Greece, authorities in the country said they were working to identify the charred remains of 18 people found this week in the dense forests that straddle the country’s north-eastern border with Turkey.
Given there were no reports of missing people in the area, officials said it was possible the victims, who include two children, were asylum seekers who had entered the country irregularly. One day earlier, the body of another person believed to be an asylum seeker was found in the same area.
In recent days the fires have ripped through an area that had increasingly become a crossing point for thousands of refugees and migrants, Amnesty International said in a statement. Their arrival on EU soil had been “systematically” met with “forced returns at the border, denial of the right to seek asylum and violence”, it added.
“The 19 people killed by wildfires in northern Greece appear to be victims of two great injustices of our times,” said Adriana Tidona, a migration researcher with the organisation.
“On the one hand, catastrophic climate change … On the other hand, the lack of access to safe and legal routes for some people on the move, and the persistence of migration management policies predicated on racialised exclusion and deadly deterrence, including racist border violence.”
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #Climate #Klimakrise #Klima #Refugees #ClimateRefugees #EU #FortressEurope #Wildfires #Convergence #Colonialism
#greece #amnesty #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #climate #KlimaKrise #Klima #refugees #ClimateRefugees #EU #fortresseurope #wildfires #convergence #colonialism
A series of Contrabass improvisations resulting in unexpected sound collages through the use and exploration of simple homemade sound generators and electronics, delivering captivating audio vignettes at the long tail of contemporary music.
#electronicgloves #doublebassist #ccrma #maxmsp #redhairbow #reibestock #gabrysalek #douglasmccausland #aleksandergabrys #computermusic #pterodactyl #redsocks #ambisonics #convergence #doublebasselectronics #arselectronica
#electronicgloves #doublebassist #ccrma #maxmsp #redhairbow #reibestock #gabrysalek #douglasmccausland #aleksandergabrys #computermusic #pterodactyl #redsocks #ambisonics #convergence #doublebasselectronics #arselectronica
« C’étaient les premières zad » : 50 ans après, les vétérans du Larzac se souviennent
#resistance #Larzac #autogestion #convergence
#resistance #larzac #autogestion #convergence
Have a great talk @kassthefish !
And for all the #ICVM2023 goers,
don't miss Ford et al's free read
#Convergence is Only Skin Deep: #Craniofacial #Evolution in #Electric #Fishes from South America and Africa
by Ford, Peterson, Bernt, Albert
#icvm2023 #convergence #craniofacial #evolution #electric #fishes
Je viens de finir #PathOfDeceit le premier roman de la phase II de la #TheHighRepublic et bah c’était SUPER. J’étais pas forcément très « confiant » avec cette histoire de flashback de la phase II, et je suis content de m’être trompé 😁
Demain, on se lance dans #Convergence !
#pathofdeceit #TheHighRepublic #convergence
Macron est en train de prouver au monde entier que la contestation ne gagne plus, au prix d'une répression d'une partie de sa population et d'une rancœur des opprimés décuplée.
L'histoire n'est pas une succession de séquences journalistiques ou politiques, coupées les unes des autres.
Toutes ces sources d'embrasement ressortiront tôt ou tard.
Contre leur fête de la musique de merde, pour nos fêtes et nos musiques ! - Publié le 20 juin 2021 -
"[...] En réaction directe à cette répression, et parce qu’on en a marre de prendre cher dès qu’on veut faire la fête en dehors des cadres imposés, rassemblons-nous dans les rues de Toulouse ce lundi 21 juin. [...]"
#Convergence des teufs !
#convergence #acabisous #fetedelamusique
#Convergence of descent has, so far, been shown if only object or only illumination is updated; not if both are changed.
With “smartly selected step sizes” and some equations and inequalities:
#ePIE converges to a critical point at a sublinear rate.
“If this were a ted talk, I would stop here.“ But for us, he has some examples.
Avec cet attelage, ma fille et moi avons participé à la #convergence #vélo ce dimanche 11 juin.
Plaisir d'avoir pu rouler avec @APDMS
Ça se rassemble à #Montrouge pour le départ de la #Convergence à vélo 🤗🚲
RDV pour le pique-nique à Invalides !
Bonne route à toutes et tous !
Départ de la #convergence à #vélo depuis Fontenay-aux-Roses. Une cinquantaine de personnes au départ.
Petit à petit, les cortèges vont se rejoindre jusqu’à former une grande masse à Paris.
Un peu nerveux de participer à ma première #convergence #vélo francilienne ! 60km environ, départ à 6h. Moi qui ne suis pas le plus grand des sportifs, ça va être un challenge !