Twitter Banned 70,000 People Sharing ‘QAnon Content’ Following Capitol Protest, Even If They Weren’t There and Had NOTHING to Do with the Violence Featured, Politics, USA News, World News, #banning, #BigTech, #censoring, #Censorship, #conversative, #face…
#banning #BigTech #censoring #Censorship #conversative #face
Situation Update, Jan 9, 2021 – RED ALERT (WAR) – Deepstate Looking to False Flag Attack US Cities to Blame Trump Featured, Politics, USA News, World News, #bigvoice, #ccp, #china, #conversative, #falseflag, #flaseflagattack, #militia, #USA, #war, biden,…
#bigvoice #ccp #China #conversative #FalseFlag #flaseflagattack #militia #usa #war