FURUM 2019 https://www.alojapan.com/784431/furum-2019/
Furs Upon Malaysia (FURUM) is a small furry convention based in Kuala Lumpur For more information, please visit https://www.furum.org/ – – – Shot on iPhone
#ConventionVideo #ConVid #Furries #Furry #FURUM #Hollud #HorseForce #Malaysia #Numazu #Numazudestinations #Numazutour #Numazutravel #Numazutrip #Numazuvacation #沼津
#conventionvideo #convid #furries #furry #furum #hollud #horseforce #malaysia #numazu #numazudestinations #numazutour #numazutravel #numazutrip #numazuvacation #沼津
I genuinely find it hard to articulate my feelings regarding the madness we've experienced the past 3+ years.
And I know it's been way longer than that but it feels like it has been ramped up far greater since #convid.
How do you express your views on the #clownworld we're apart of right now?
Do you vent, find ways to share hope or just try to expose the inner working of it all?
Genuine question: When will governments and politicians be held accountable for their actions during #convid?
Thousands of #diedsuddenly cases heavily linked to the #vaccines, with more being 100% confirmed as a result of #vaccinesideeffects.
Millions permanently traumatised by the #lockdowns & ridiculous regulations.
Some people need to be held accountable. Now!
#convid #diedsuddenly #vaccines #vaccineSideEffects #lockdowns
Malone, the CIA, The Salk Institute, and some basic fundament read: mechanics of the PSY-OP.
#COINTEL #psyops #malone #cia #biomedical #pharmacartel #money #followthemoney #zionism #khazarians #evilsatanists #thesepeoplereallydontlikeyou #learning #etc #covid #convid #medicine #grants #funding Okay Then. That is quite enough hash tag soup.
Read, Learn, Understand the thing, and Boost. Thank you.
#cointel #psyops #malone #cia #biomedical #pharmacartel #money #followthemoney #zionism #khazarians #evilsatanists #thesepeoplereallydontlikeyou #learning #etc #covid #convid #medicine #grants #funding
Malone, the CIA, The Salk Institute, and some basic fundament read: mechanics of the PSY-OP.
#COINTEL #psyops #malone #cia #biomedical #pharmacartel #money #followthemoney #zionism #khazarians #evilsatanists #thesepeoplereallydontlikeyou #learning #etc #covid #convid #medicine #grants #funding Okay Then. That is quite enough hash tag soup.
Read, Learn, Understand the thing, and Boost. Thank you.
#cointel #psyops #Malone #cia #biomedical #pharmacartel #money #followthemoney #zionism #khazarians #evilsatanists #thesepeoplereallydontlikeyou #learning #etc #covid #convid #medicine #grants #funding
@lroseboom So sorry for both of your friends' passing, especially since it shouldn't have happened. May they rest in peace. So sad for the children too! 😥 🙏🏻
#crimesonhumanity #genocideviajabs #convid
Just got these off Bashers
BLOW IT UP! TAKE FAUCI OUT....and all others too.
#Fauci #plandemic #convid #covid
Just got these off Bashers
BLOW IT UP! TAKE FAUCI OUT....and all others too.
#Fauci #plandemic #convid #covid
@icare4america He's a demon on earth. Despise him so much. Instantly makes me rage to hear any of this BS the first skank was reading and had absolutely no sincerity! Fraudci is evil! 💉 are poison! #CONvid #Plandemic
@torgo the #convid #pandemic trauma has hit me hard. I've lost a lot of #creativity and #concentraition. What's left of the former is much harder to achieve because of the latter. It just... slid away over the two years. I'm also finding travel for conferences/presentations/concert really #daunting in the days running up to them #anxiety
#anxiety #daunting #concentraition #creativity #pandemic #convid
On dirait que les négateurs ont intégré l'univers de la #COVID, comme pour le #climat.
Ma définition de négateurs: pui$$ant$ qui financent thinks thanks, partis politiques, campagnes de réseaux sociaux dans le but de maintenir le système actuel, qui les favorise.
L'idéologie négatrice semble présente au Québec. Comme aux USA, l'aveuglement collectif aussi.
Je vois comme un indicateur de ça, un excellent article d'André Noël, sur #pivot
#sereniesempreuniti #bergamo #alzano #nembro #emergenza #sanitaria #responsabilità #morti #decessi
RT @WordNews_it@twitter.com
Si potevano evitare decine di migliaia di decessi.
Il piano pandemico del 2006, non aggiornato, poteva essere applicato, poteva essere utile anche per fronteggiare l’emergenza...
#wn #wordnews #convid #morti #sipotevanoevitare
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WordNews_it/status/1592917723977494530
#sipotevanoevitare #convid #wordnews #Wn #decessi #morti #responsabilità #sanitaria #emergenza #Nembro #Alzano #bergamo #sereniesempreuniti
The ten lies of covid with sources
#honkhonk #FreedomConoy2022 #lies #convid
The 2007 movie The Invasion was predictive programming about the Covid scam. #NewWorldOrder #NWO #Hoax #Psyop #Covid #Convid
#newworldorder #nwo #hoax #psyop #covid #convid
Quand tu vois que personne n'a bronché quand on a eu droit à 11 vaccins aux nourrissons https://www.ameli.fr/assure/sante/themes/vaccination/vaccins-obligatoires, mais que ça hurle de manière indécente pour un vaccin contre une pandémie qui met à bas des systèmes de santé, qui a déjà fait des millions de morts, et diminué l'espérance de vie de plusieurs années de nombreux autres https://news.un.org/fr/story/2021/05/1096492.
#convid-19 #indécence #folie
Quand tu vois que personne n'a bronché quand on a eu droit à 11 vaccins aux nourrissons https://www.ameli.fr/assure/sante/themes/vaccination/vaccins-obligatoires, mais que ça hurle de manière indécente pour un vaccin contre une pandémie qui met à bas des systèmes de santé, qui a déjà fait des millions de morts, et diminué l'espérance de vie de plusieurs années de nombreux autres https://news.un.org/fr/story/2021/05/1096492.
#convid-19 #indécence #folie