“There is no friction-free path towards the abundance of convivial science. No well-oiled machine will arrive to pave the road for us. Convivial science is not the next big thing, but a lot of small things: slow and open, boring and punk, sustainable and federated, and more still!”
— @SylviaFysica, Towards convivial science
#slowscience #openscience #convivial #FQXi #science
“There is no friction-free path towards the abundance of convivial science. No well-oiled machine
will arrive to pave the road for us. Convivial science is not the next big thing, but a lot of small
things: slow and open, boring and punk, sustainable and federated, and more still!”
— @SylviaFysica, Towards convivial science
#slowscience #openscience #convivial #FQXi #science
To be clear, I don’t believe a mass retvrn to the land is achievable, let alone desirable, and I do see a (significant) place for distributed urban farming in caloric production, so long as the technologies involved are relatively #convivial and powered by local solar & wind. But Monbiot’s faith in the very much unconvivial, unproven-at-scale technology of precision fermentation disturbs me, and I see no reason to take its highly-interested advocates at their word.
@simon_brooke @otfrom This was my read of Illich! I always understood one of his criteria for a #convivial technology to be that such a thing organized communities around it. And thus the Homebrew Computer Club, the Berkeley Macintosh Users Group, et al.
I bought this book on a whim during the recent #Verso sale, but I have to say I’m really enjoying it, and finding it very clarifying. I deeply appreciate the authors’ conception of #convivial #conservation as a counter to the false dichotomy of neoprotectionist Nature-fetishism on the one hand, and obnoxious ecomodernist hubris on the other. https://www.versobooks.com/products/856-the-conservation-revolution
#verso #convivial #conservation
@CatherineRussell2 Have you got a good book or are you mingling? #Convivial
Proud of my PhD student Yvonne for publishing her last PhD paper, marking the end of her PhD journey. Well done 👏
Available now ahead of print: Tackling #Conflicts, Supporting #Livelihoods: #Convivial #Conservation in the Campo Ma'an National Park in #Cameroon by Yvonne Kiki Nchanjia, @SabahetaRamilo1, @nchanjieileen, William Armand Mala and Juha Kotilainen #consocsci #openaccess | rb.gy/gsq12s
#conflicts #livelihoods #convivial #conservation #Cameroon #consocsci #openaccess
I shared this on the Bird Site just before it imploded and I joined here. Last month, new article posted in Fast Capitalism. Learning Management Systems as Anti-Convivial Tools. https://fastcapitalism.journal.library.uta.edu/index.php/fastcapitalism/article/view/456
#convivial, #toollogic, #edtech
@acousticmirror This exactly! Plus I’m finding that the #solarpunk imaginary helps me enormously in the thoughtwork on my plate rn: it furnishes visual and sometimes even material support for the notion that there is a there there in the conjunction of #degrowthist ethics & post-#Bookchin and -#Öcalan nonstate organizational logics I’m trying to sketch out, all undergirded by advanced but never less than #convivial and #appropriatetechnology. (*Wow* that’s a lot of words.)
#solarpunk #degrowthist #bookchin #ocalan #convivial #appropriatetechnology
#Promptodon #Convivial
Eric Walters of number three Bouldertop Ridge was a creature of habit. Each evening, at precisely seven o'clock, once he'd finished washing the dinner time dishes, he'd step outside. Every evening without fail, Mr Walters would decorate his tiny house in the most convival manner imaginable and set out a sign reading "Strangers Welcome" . Every evening, Mr Walters sat inside alone, wondering why no one came. Each day from below we wished that we could
#Promptodon #Convivial
Eric Walters of number three bouldertop ridge was a creature of habit. Each evening, at precisely seven o'clock, once he'd finished washing the dinner time dishes, he'd step outside. Every evening without fail, Mr Walters would decorate his tiny house in the most convival manner imaginable and set out a sign reading "Strangers Welcome" . Every evening, Mr Walters sat inside alone, wondering why no one came. Each day from below we wished that we could.
Every #convivial interviewer asks me the same question: “what inspired you to invent technology capable of raising entire buildings?”
They expect grand philosophies of the person who saved coastal cities from the rising seas of #ClimateChange. But the misanthropic truth is that I craved solitude. Even a rural cabin wasn’t enough: I designed the maglev prototype to elevate myself from human encroachment and watch the world melt from a distant eyrie.
#promptodon #scifi #convivial #ClimateChange
#Promptodon #Convivial
Kane's career had mostly been scavenging Forebearer tech, but his recent magic hunts had proved fruitful. Suspicious of a connection, he decided to investigate more places of magic. Many had perished infiltrating the House of Hidden Depths, but they had been trespassers; armed with a convivial smile and a delectable fruit basket, Kane set off to introduce himself, and to discover if the house really was bigger on the inside.
manifests what #Illich would have called a #convivial way of being in the world. I can promise that you won’t miss out on anything important, too, as one of the properties of #networks like this is that you are very likely to see any particularly compelling post boosted into your timeline anyway, even if you follow a relatively small number of people. So may I humbly suggest that you give it a try? We don’t need #algorithmic feeds to “discover content.” We need to speak and listen more, equipped
#algorithmic #networks #convivial #illich
I legitimately think #cargobikes are a utopian technology, and I know many of you do too. Fused in a #convivial assemblage of manufacture by producer #coops, self-ownership and management by service-provider #collectives, and decent, unionized working conditions, and every aspect of humanpowered logistics could be just, equitable, locally generative and ecologically sound.
#collectives #coops #convivial #cargobikes
3/3… seeks to have #geneticallyModified foods labelled and will incentivise #organic regenerative #farming, which includes banning RoundUp/#glyphosate and plants genetically modified to kill #insects. They'll end #fluoride in #tapWater, halt #5G until comprehensive, independent tests can confirm safety, and have a suite of community building ideas, that will aid in creating a more #convivial lifestyle for all.
#GeneticallyModified #organic #farming #insects #fluoride #tapWater #5g #convivial #ethical
Can everyday people shape the post-#peakOil future?
If so, what things would you do to create the change and be the change you want to see?
Unlike the BigTech #oligarchs, we think #communities need to come together to tackle this problem in a #fairAndJust, and most importantly, #convivial manner.
#peakoil #oligarchs #communities #fairAndJust #convivial
Not sure you were given what we've written below, but have you heard the term #convivialSufficiency.
It describes a cuulture shift away from #consumptionism.
Anyway, we thought why not combine '#convivial' with '#software' to get, #ConvivialSoftware?
Again though its not sexy, not a pun (those are gold) but its something to consider as an option.
#convivialSufficiency #consumptionism #convivial #software #ConvivialSoftware
Most of #Australia is experiencing a #heatwave at the moment (or recently) with about 3-5 days above 40 degrees celcius.
A quarter century ago we would've been lucky (or unlucky) to get one day a year above 40`C.
But don't talk about #manMade #climateChange, that brings more #extremeWeatherEvents - it's all a #UNconspiracy, obviously.
That aside, it boggles our mind that we don't close our doors during midday heat to reopen at 6pm-midnight, as they do in parts of #convivial #Europe.
#australia #heatwave #manmade #climatechange #extremeWeatherEvents #UNconspiracy #convivial #europe #Rethink
§3 is the most radically unusual frame. Goes way under the skin (but not psychologising into individualism) as engagement with #literacy of the Self, and of actions in response to Others . . in *the historical production of #convivial society. Takes a context of
- Deep-Time . . evolutionary, species, planet, cosmos
- Culture-time . . historical
- Life-time . . biographical
. . brought to focus in the *self-making* of the life of the activist-maker-facilitator.