eem · @eemill
9 followers · 41 posts · Server

hello I will do an

i am not coming from twitter but thought i would use this opportunity to join one of the few internet applications that i think is cool and would like to support.

i am interested in and probably will use this site mostly as a repository for my pictures of birds and other animals that i see around and where i live

will follow people doing interesting work in , , ,

i will also boost tech industry critics who do good research and writing about silicon valley hubris and the harms caused by the internet

politically i feel some affinity towards but i am not particularly dogmatic or sectarian and not interested in arguing about politics on the internet; and am interested in connecting with people who share common interests even if they are not 100% philosophically or politically aligned with me

other interests include
as well as music, particularly and more lately, ; i guess in some ways a synthesis of many of these interests are ideas related to and the

#Introduction #wildlife #birding #conservation #ottawa #easternontario #ecology #communityscience #citizenscience #limnology #Luddism #ecosocialism #marxism #dialecticalbiology #HistoricalMaterialism #socialecology #PoliticalEcology #anticapitalism #convivialconservation #folkhorror #horrorfiction #horror #metal #punk #ambient #hauntology #psychogeography #weird

Last updated 2 years ago