#convo Nazi Billionaires, Capitalist Ethics, and Other Notable Contradictions - David de Jong
The one about #Mention #tag @ & #ContentWarning
- Pay attention to who you mentioning in replies/thread, when making focused conversations. Sometimes it shows in multiple tags, you can remove or add someone to the conversation/discussion.
- Content Warning...I see that alot...in replies. The above #tip also apply, only remove them, leave if appropriate when necessary depends on the #convo. When an OP create an #toot with CW, replying to them will automatically add to your reply.
#mention #tag #ContentWarning #tip #convo #toot #mastodontips
@FediFollows - you are welcome on mas.town! I think of us as a small(er) boutique #instance with great #convo! We are on #AWS (scalability) w/ daily backups.
Regardless - will continue to follow you wherever you end up!