Tajusin juuri että #ConvoyFinland-spektaakkelista on jo vuosi aikaa. Tämä Dimitri Ollikaisen palkintogaala-kooste on mainio, tulee mieleen Markus Kajo ja Naurun paikka. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSMwrxNF0k8
Nevö föget se aika kun oli no choyce, onneksi tuli Convoy.
Diggaan ihan kyrpänä Jaakko Keson reportaaseista, eikä tämä #convoyFinland-aiheinen video ole poikkeus. Tosin huvittaa kuinka kommentoijat kehuvat videota "puolueettomuudesta". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzpg9viAmng
Another article by Yle about how the #convoyFinland movement splintered into smaller groups and how their protests turned into a drunken mess with no coherent agenda. https://yle.fi/news/3-12306696
Really good article by EuroNews about the #convoyFinland movement and protests, or the biggest source of comedy and drama gold in ages. https://www.euronews.com/2022/02/04/protests-highlight-finnish-frustrations-at-ongoing-covid-restrictions
Police have gathered on the steps of The Finnish Parliament building amid speculation that protesters will try to take it over, mirroring what happened in USA on 6th January 2021. #convoyFinland #convoy2022
Basically the rest of Finland is laughing at those #convoyFinland protesters together while watching all these streams.
It appears that no trucks are going to reach the Parliament House as the police has faced restrictions on heavy traffic. The police is currently stopping trucks reaching Helsinki. So much for trying to ape what's happening in Canada! #convoyFinland
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Y3rWk4FFU These #convoyFinland live streams are going to have lots of camp comedy value, just like the previous similar events. The protestors' Zello has been already trolled to oblivion after someone decided to livestream it to YouTube, pure comedy gold. Who needs the Olympic Games when we have this?
Hyvä video Dimitri Ollikaiselta #convoyFinland -hommasta ja hörhöjen verkostoista. #Convoy2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNo9dDeHjFk