TheMayor.TV · @TheMayorTV
8 followers · 22 posts · Server

Accusations of heavy infiltration 'of pedophiles' is causing members of the Save The Children Convoy, also known as the East Meets West Convoy, to leave.

#convoywatch #cult #rwnj

Last updated 1 year ago

Cat :better_pride: Lady · @CatLady
105 followers · 378 posts · Server

Sat June 10th is Bay of 's parade & festivities at Zwick's Park in .
Local "freedom fighter" Cory Sager has posted a video outlining his plans.

Cory was last seen getting embarrassed at Drag Queen Story Time in Brockville last Dec, but has been involved with the COVID-19 Conspiracy Movement since the start. He thinks along the same lines as 'Nico King Nico' as shown here.

#quinte #pride #belleville #calltoaction #lovewins #convoywatch #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista

Last updated 1 year ago

Cat :better_pride: Lady · @CatLady
105 followers · 378 posts · Server

Finally. This is the kind of journalism and media reporting that I can get behind.

Massive report by CBC News on a Liberty Coalition Canada secret document they obtained, and its movement's goals in Canadian politics and ties to American Christian reconstructionists.

TL;DR: it's pure

#ChristoFascism #2SLGBTQIA #pride #convoywatch #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #fucktransphobes #joshalexander #savecanada #libertycoalitioncanada

Last updated 1 year ago

Cat :better_pride: Lady · @CatLady
105 followers · 378 posts · Server

Heads up: we have an "unbranded" () happening May 20th at Noon local time under the guise of "".

As usual with this crew, it's all very conspiracist oriented, very anti-globalism, very anti-WHO, & very anti-"elites"... (Translation: very antisemitic & weird).

Expect small crowds of -types to be out in locations such as: Ottawa, Keene, Toronto, Brantford, Barrie, Windsor, Bayfield, Penetang, Elliot Lake, Calgary, Terrace, Prince George, Regina, Gimli, Charlottetown, Moncton, & others.

I'm just posting this to give a heads up for anyone out at noon on Saturday in case you come across some group of ppl raving on about , 5G, the "elites", and using slogans around "unity" and "we are ready" - that's going to be them.

As per their website:

"the is meeting in Lisbon, and the W.H.O. is also having a meeting at a different location. These two organizations are linked to globalism, agenda 2030, and the push for a one-world government."

I wouldn't give them any of your long weekend time (if in Canada), just my 2 cents.

#worldwidefreedomrally #wwfr #unity #qanon #globalists #bilderbergclub #convoywatch #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada

Last updated 1 year ago

Theobius · @Theobius
96 followers · 936 posts · Server

Harold Jonker, who played a big part in the Ottawa occupation, is also part of the CHP.

RT @MeTheCookieLady
Today in Convoy - Harold Jonker has been informed he has standing charges and he will turn himself in, in Ottawa, May 10. Ottawa police have issued an arrest warrant.

I am unsure if these.charges were just laid or have been pending since the convoy.


Last updated 2 years ago

Theobius · @Theobius
96 followers · 936 posts · Server

RT @MeTheCookieLady
Today in Convoy - Harold Jonker has been informed he has standing charges and he will turn himself in, in Ottawa, May 10. Ottawa police have issued an arrest warrant.

I am unsure if these.charges were just laid or have been pending since the convoy.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
95 followers · 273 posts · Server


"Conspiracy theorists, the far right, and a few neo-Nazis got together to intimidate drags queens;
Standing shoulder to shoulder, the LGBTQ+ community and anti-fascists drew a line and resisted these despicable trolls;
In what has become a tradition, the far right found itself isolated at the far end of a parking lot…"

"...Barbada has hosted story hours since 2016 (and she has not been the only drag queen to do so), but it is only in recent years —and in a particularly apparent way in recent months— that a section of the local far-right-adjacent conspiracy theory milieu has had a bee in its bonnet about the issue, under the combined influence of the conservative evangelical right and the anti-protocol conspiracy milieu that coalesced around the so-called “freedom convoy.” This anti-drag hysteria is one element in a larger movement meant to demonize sexual and gender identity minorities, trans identities in particular, on the basis of a variety of conspiracy fantasies, including, for example, the “grooming panic,” “pedosatanism” (a key theme in the QAnon milieu), and, in some particularly extreme cases, the racist and antisemitic “great replacement” theory. This fundamentally far-right transphobic movement has, at this point, made legislative and institutional headway in the US."

"...labouring under the peculiar illusion that simply ignoring this movement will naturally lead to it dissipating and fading away. As we have often said, when it comes to fascist and fascist-adjacent movements, magic thinking doesn’t work...

...a bus chartered for the event arrived with around thirty community defenders, who brought snacks and coffee, festive costuming accoutrements, and a sound system. For the subsequent hour and half, the defensive bloc took on a festive, colourful, and irreverent quality, with comrades dancing in the street to popular songs and Disney classics, while the mortified anti-drag demonstrators remained trapped on their bit of sidewalk...

...a line is crossed when these conspiracy theory fantasies directly target our communities and compromise our security, whether in the short-, medium-, or long-term, and that is the line the anti-drag movement has crossed with its ridiculous panic, and it is absolutely essential to deliver the message that queer and trans communities will defend themselves in the face of this intimidation. There should be no doubt: if the queerphobes/transphobes persist in their demonization exercise, they will always come face to face with us. Queers bash back, darling. . ."

Great work ❤️🖤

#calltoaction #DragStoryTime #DQST #DragQueenStoryTime #dragdefence #lovewins #pride #convoywatch #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #reportback #Montreal

Last updated 2 years ago

Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
95 followers · 265 posts · Server

So far this month (March) we've seen anti 2SLGBTQIA+ rhetoric accelerating on social media platforms with events being ID'd as targets from to our own folks.

Over the past 1-2 weeks, King 💩 Nico has made at least 5-6 anti-Pride posts on his Facebook alone. He's been making threats against Pride since at least March 4th. I think it's pretty safe to say that will be necessary.

Also, dude, no one wants you to bow down. However sitting down & stfu about Pride and would be ideal 💡

On the plus side, someone will likely inherit another megaphone...

In addition to targeting King Nico has also recently shared transphobic and quite graphic anti-trans propaganda (also on his since the company does little to nothing to remove these posts).

At least one of these came from other far right media figures who once again put forward a hoax trying to frame trans people as if it were real.

The image circulating of a supposed "trans day of vengeance" is literally a reworded racist 4chan meme, but since these sh!tbags lack all creativity, they rehash and recycle the same nonsense repeatedly.

I won't reshare the more graphic one of the two that Nico shared. Just know that it involved body parts, Nazi experimentation, and claimed that the photos of genitalia were of children. It's still up on his Facebook because apparently that doesn't violate any community standards... 🙄

In a strange twist, the one that Nico shared on his Twitter :birdsite: apparently did violate their hateful conduct rule and he received a strike over that and temp lock until removed.

#pride #gag #christofascist #flatearther #convoywatch #pridedefence #DQST #pride2023 #facebook #4chan #calltoaction #lovewins #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl(sad trombone enjoyer) · @brainnotonyet
944 followers · 3630 posts · Server

Many of us who were watching and physically dealing with the boogaloo tried to warn you. They are fascists and a threat. Treat them like the fascists they are.
RT @SaboCatLady
Infamous boogaloo boy Magnus Panvidya is promoting red-brown alliance again/still by promoting anarchist & post-left anarchist texts. Watch your allies.
H/T COSAF on 🐘


#AlertaAlertaAntifascista #fashwatchcanada #fashwatch #whokeepsussafe #convoywatch

Last updated 2 years ago

Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
94 followers · 233 posts · Server
Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
93 followers · 230 posts · Server
Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
93 followers · 222 posts · Server
Cat :happy_anarcat: Lady · @CatLady
93 followers · 221 posts · Server

, March 16th 4-6pm
The Ledge
31 Norfolk St. N

Protesters confirmed. Counters & community defence are needed! The anti drag folks for this one have been vocal in their dislike and threats so be forewarned.

Threats on hunting people down, rampant homophobia, taking pictures of parents to accuse of abuse, and threats of burning people alive have been reported.

Local news has also picked up on this:

#DQST #Simcoe #ontario #calltoaction #DragStoryTime #DragQueenStoryTime #dragdefence #lovewins #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #pride #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #convoywatch #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #Haldimand #norfolk

Last updated 2 years ago

TheMayor.TV · @TheMayorTV
7 followers · 18 posts · Server

Walter Hiebert, the owner of Camp Hopeless, admits to being warned prior about Norman's pedophilia, but only kicked him out on the last day for fundraising for his own project.

They are OKAY with child predators at their "family-friendly" events.

#freedomconvoy #convoywatch

Last updated 2 years ago

TheMayor.TV · @TheMayorTV
7 followers · 17 posts · Server

World Unity Convoy admits to allowing known pedophile(s) around unsupervised children event at camp hopeless because "unity does not discriminate" despite being informed.


#freedomconvoy #camphope #convoywatch

Last updated 2 years ago

Aussiemandias · @Aussiemandias
182 followers · 406 posts · Server

Russia's Role in the Far-Right Truck Convoy: An analysis of Russian state media activity related to the 2022 Freedom Convoy

Published 2023-01-31 — Updated on 2023-01-31

Caroline Orr Bueno

#convoywatch #righwingers #farright #FarRightExtremist #ottawa #russia #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Amelia Rulez 👑 · @AmeliaRulez
121 followers · 1101 posts · Server

FUCK OFF, you Fuckwads


Convites tonight in Hamilton yelling out of control nonsense at government officials (LOUD)


#bellletstalk #convoywatch #hamilton

Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Rosenshein · @leonrosenshein
7 followers · 11 posts · Server

Friendgineers: You can rubber duck too much, but please, take a moment to think about the problem before you give up trying.

#rubberducking #friendgineers #convoywatch

Last updated 2 years ago

Kurt Phillips · @ARCCollective
458 followers · 132 posts · Server


Elliott Moose (MCDAVID) of World Unity Convoy leadership offers this ONE SIMPLE TRICK to freedom for indigenous people. "Stop calling yourself indigenous."


#convoywatch #winnipeg

Last updated 2 years ago

TheMayor.TV · @TheMayorTV
0 followers · 5 posts · Server

Convoy/Trump supporters voice appreciation for registered sex offenders/child predators and predict they will "be the first to save this country."

#taxthechurch #convoywatch

Last updated 2 years ago