Wooden CNC Sculpture Displays Conway’s Game of Life - Conway’s Game of Life has been the object of fascination for computer hobbyists fo... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/24/wooden-cnc-sculpture-displays-conways-game-of-life/ #conwaysgameoflife #cncmachined #leddisplay #ledhacks #lens #art
#art #lens #ledhacks #leddisplay #cncmachined #conwaysgameoflife
Solar Powered Game of Life Follows the Sun’s Rhythm - Conway’s Game of Life is a beautiful example of how complex behavior can emerge fr... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/28/solar-powered-game-of-life-follows-the-suns-rhythm/ #conwaysgameoflife #gameoflife #mischacks #solarcell #esp32ulp #esp32
#esp32 #esp32ulp #solarcell #mischacks #gameoflife #conwaysgameoflife
Hey maths people, apparently someone just found the first #ConwaysGameOfLife setup with a period of 19, which means 41 is now the only period we haven't got yet.
I just realised that you can render #ConwaysGameOfLife in a terminal using #Braille, and indeed use it for drawing arbitrary monochrome graphics. I shall write a library for this and given that there are six dots available for use as pixels I shall call it #sixel. I fail to see any problems with this!
#conwaysgameoflife #braille #Sixel
@jkanev @aspiringcat
I have no aptitude for this stuff, but I like the way you think. You seem like someone who might be interested in #ConwaysGameofLife.
This Retro Game Console Puts Vacuum Fluorescent Display to Good Use https://hackaday.com/2023/03/07/this-retro-game-console-puts-vacuum-fluorescent-display-to-good-use/ #vacuumfluorescentdisplay #conwaysgameoflife #ArduinoHacks #classichacks #gameconsole #noritake #snake #vfd
#vacuumfluorescentdisplay #conwaysgameoflife #ArduinoHacks #classichacks #gameconsole #noritake #snake #vfd
This Retro Game Console Puts Vacuum Fluorescent Display to Good Use - Small in size, low-resolution, blocky segments, and a limited color palette — all ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/07/this-retro-game-console-puts-vacuum-fluorescent-display-to-good-use/ #vacuumfluorescentdisplay #conwaysgameoflife #arduinohacks #classichacks #gameconsole #noritake #snake #vfd
#vfd #snake #noritake #gameconsole #classichacks #arduinohacks #conwaysgameoflife #vacuumfluorescentdisplay
If you're quite familiar with Conway's Game of Life, then you probably already know that it is Turing complete and that you can use it to simulate itself on a gigantic scale.
What blows my mind is that someone from Japan implemented an infinitely recursive Game of Life! 🤯
#conwaysgameoflife #gameoflife #cellularautomata
Im Oktober 1970 stellt die Zeitschrift #ScientificAmerican ** unter der Rubrik „Mathematische Spiele“ ein Spiel vor, das schnell zum Kultspiel avanciert. Hintergrund des „Spiels des Lebens“ von John #Conway ist die Idee des zellulären Automaten - und die Hoffnung, das Leben selbst zu verstehen, zu simulieren oder sogar neu zu erschaffen.
** Deutschland: #SpektrumDerWissenschaft" Rubrik #Computer Kurzweil)
#conwaysgameoflife #scientificamerican #conway #SpektrumderWissenschaft #computer #cellularautomata #vonneumann #atombombe