Reading an article about #FoodSovereignty practices in #Italy and the quotes from #Farmers are so similar to the quotes from farmers in #Ontario and #Quebec in my own research. I love the #extraterritoriality of #discourse
#FoodMovements #FarmingPractices #DiscourseAnalysis #PhDLife #AmWriting #AmEditing #ThesisWriting
#thesiswriting #amediting #amwriting #phdlife #DiscourseAnalysis #farmingpractices #foodmovements #coolaf #discourse #extraterritoriality #quebec #ontario #farmers #italy #foodsovereignty
The bathroom spiders are back! Yay!
Last year, I accidentally swooshed one down the drain in the shower thinking it was a woolie from my socks. My eye sight might not be great but my sense of touch is very sensitive. Sad day. So happy to see another friend!
Pup also saw her first spider! A bit of convincing that this was indeed a friend - we don't bark at friends. Especially ones that balloon by surfing the electromagnetic waves of the earth!
#puppy #dogsofmastodon #spiders #coolaf
Hagadösen, or Haga dolmen, on the island of Orust, Sweden, is a megalithic tomb, dated to c. 3400 BCE, which coincides in time with Egypt's pre/proto-dynastic period, Mesopotamia's Uruk period, and the early Indus Valley civilization. Only traces of later settlements and burials have been found in and around the tomb, indicating that the place was sacred for several millennia.
Image source: Wikipedia
@histodons @archaeodons @ancientneareast @antiquidons #histodons #sweden #neolithic #coolaf
#histodons #sweden #neolithic #coolaf