With a heavy heart, hy stares at the ever declining numbers.
So many have been lost already..
But the Worm in his brain is insistent.
The Work must continue.
"Cool Beans" he mutters brokenly, while hitting the "Toot" button on yet another #CoolBeans post.
The Faithfull will understand.
The rest...the rest will unfollow and block.
A tear slides down his cheek.
Spent, he rolled off of her.
In an exhausted but very happy voice, he exclaimed, "Cooool BEANS!"
The divorce was even more swift than the whirlwind romance that preceeded the hasty mariage.
She swore to be more discerning in future.
Clearly, she was a cold legumes kinda gal.
The Villain stared at the Hero dispassionately for a second.
"Cool. Beans." she said, and pushed the button.
Some guy: " What if ...cool beans...but..Koo..."
After more sleep deprivation, I have decided #Today shall be #CoolBeans revival day.
Cooooool beans.
Grown Man In 2023 Still Saying 'Cool Beans' https://babylonbee.com/news/grown-man-in-2023-still-saying-cool-beans
#babylonbee #satire #coolbeans
#babylonbee #satire #coolbeans
Today my kids watch Yves Saint Laurent on HBO,so is a inspiration,I totally get it, they're now happy! #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera #deadbeatdad
#coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera #deadbeatdad
I really like spending time with my girlzzz,they inspired me,I don't know what will happen when they're grow up,dating,playing with boyzzz,first kiss,drama,first cry...why couldn't we just have... friends,instead of marriage?it's all just one big, confusing mess #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap
#somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap
Together with kids we have a nice day,happy with what we have,I'm just a little bit jittery,I had five Cokes on my way home,I've tried to kick the habit but I just can't seem to do it,I'm a Coke fiend,so I have thinking... plants day! Yeah!!! #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
I don't need to barking like #GretaThunberg making riots,protesting,starving in front of gov,chain on doors,shiting on plastic bags,I think the lesson of #climatechange & #globalwarming is that maybe"we"should be so concerned with other people think,act,do,say...I should trust my instincts &be myself,almost everything on my office,at home,are recycle stuff #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#gretathunberg #climatechange #globalwarming #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
I find the church like a notebook,like a pencil,art supplies,rulers,dictionaries,weekly planners,calculators...but all this stuff I can find on my iphone...but is fun #happyeaster #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#happyeaster #breadandbutter #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
Didn't go so well for the former prime minister of... Finland,after she's ran into someone having an adult moment party on social media platform & didn't have an excuse ready;it was really tough for her,but this is politics:never show something stupid &never cry on public;from today will be a GIF #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked
#youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked
Watching Hot Rod (2007) for the first time. Honestly not sure how I missed it before now, it's a hoot. A soundtrack heavily featuring Europe, goofy jokes and C-c-c-cool beans.
I love this movie,is like raisins,it's natures candy,they're basically grapes,so remember to pace yourself;it's soooo delicious;and in the end of movie,is soooo glittering;is like put glitter in the butter 💕😘 #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance
#textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance
Oh I miss soooo much one direction,I was such in love,but they take a wrong direction,was necessary, maybe yes, maybe not, they're just faking;&what's wrong with Harry Styles?is it?is not?is it!!I love Harry like a sister...and him is a liar and a fraud like my...sister!it's an adult thing #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme
#astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme
Danmark in the future want to produce less food,saving food,hey,if it would cheer you up,you could help me plan the pizzzza party....well,is not just buying a pizzzza,that's a pizzzza dinner,the word party change things...there are certain expectations...we become a Italian nation... pizzzza #textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked
#textbody #youspikeit #getsniffingkids #philosophynugget #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked
Awesome day to work #coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
#coolbeans #bumsoutdance #pranked #doohickiesoff #teenageoutburst #bonedme #gotakealap #yeppers #etcetera
10 years I have say #danish energy fart in invoices!10 years need to danish people,actually to wake up &listen I TOLD YOU SO!when a company,institution begin with "here in #danmark " is translate: WHEN HUMANS EAT FOOD,ITS PROCESSED IN THE INTESTINES,PRODUCING GAS! They really took it from the top! I stay on my truth! Danish people are not good in math!they think I'm ruthless,bad but I show them every single failed in they sistem!!with documents! #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans
#danish #danmark #astoicname #teenytinysneezes #kudos #coolbeans
Ride your cafe racer down to your local cafe’s
#CoolBeans #microroasted #CafeRacer #motorcycle
#motorcycles #MariettaSquare #Marietta #GA #CobbCounty
#coolbeans #microroasted #caferacer #motorcycle #motorcycles #mariettasquare #marietta #ga #cobbcounty