Heat Pump Control That Works - Heat pumps are taking the world by storm, and for good reason. Not only are they m... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/04/heat-pump-control-that-works/ #homeautomation #userinterface #temperature #automation #homehacks #heatpump #humidity #control #cooling #heating #esp32 #hvac #tft
#tft #hvac #esp32 #heating #cooling #control #humidity #heatpump #homehacks #automation #temperature #userinterface #homeautomation
Can Vines Speed Urban Cooling? – UC Davis
#ycombinator #Climate_Smart #Cooling #Urban_Planning #Plant_Sciences #College_of_Agricultural_and_Environmental_Sciences #Climate_Adaptation
#ycombinator #climate_smart #cooling #urban_planning #plant_sciences #college_of_agricultural_and_environmental_sciences #climate_adaptation
Wired: How to Cool an Object Without Using Any Energy https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-cool-an-object-without-using-any-energy/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Science/PhysicsandMath #temperature #DotPhysics #Science #physics #cooling #Energy #Power #light
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #science #temperature #DotPhysics #physics #cooling #energy #power #light
New test chamber created to find better ways to keep people cool https://techxplore.com/news/2023-08-chamber-ways-people-cool.html
AAAS: "Another route to refrigeration." Really, refrigerators are fascinating in how they function, + in general space cooling [including of buildings] accounts for 20% of total global energy consumption. But currently this is accomplished with what is called a vapor compression cycle, using refrigerants which can escape + serve as potent greenhouse gases. "Zhou et al. now demonstrate an alternative to refrigerant-based cooling that uses a compression-based regenerative elastocaloric device that performs phase transformations during which latent heat is absorbed." Got that? To understand the concept, take an ordinary rubber band + stretch it out abruptly, then touch the middle to your lip. It should be warmer. Then relax it + again touch your lip, + this time it will be cooler than when you started. Trust me on this. Just don't let go of one end + smack yourself in the eye. Okay, getting technical again: "This tubular nickel–titanium device achieves a temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of 50 kelvin [degrees Celsisu] and a cooling power of more than 200 watts." The advantages are two-fold. No refrigerants dangerous for the climate. Much more energy efficient. This is a seriously huge idea, coming to a theater store near you sometime soon. #elastocaloric #cooling #climatechange
#elastocaloric #cooling #climatechange
Cooling Off the Bus Stop - If you’ve taken the bus in the summer, you know it can get hot while you wait on y... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/18/cooling-off-the-bus-stop/ #publictransportation #transportationhacks #thermalregulation #radiantcooling #climatechange #temperature #busstop #cooling
#cooling #busstop #temperature #climatechange #radiantcooling #thermalregulation #transportationhacks #publictransportation
Maybe they could have used these at EVO.
The SCRY Artic Is a New Plug-and-Play Cooling Unit Designed to Keep Your PS5 From Overheating - IGN https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-ps5-overheating-scry-artic-cooling-system-kickstarter
#cooling #ps5 #hardware #gamingnews
Wired: How to Make Bionic Limbs (Literally) Very Cool https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-make-bionic-limbs-literally-very-cool/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Science/Biotech #Neuroscience #prosthetics #engineering #perception #SuperChill #Science #biotech #cooling #brains #health
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #science #neuroscience #prosthetics #engineering #perception #superchill #biotech #cooling #brains #health
Wired: How to Make Bionic Limbs (Literally) Very Cool https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-make-bionic-limbs-literally-very-cool/ #Science/Biotech #Neuroscience #prosthetics #engineering #perception #SuperChill #Science #biotech #cooling #brains #health
#science #neuroscience #prosthetics #engineering #perception #superchill #biotech #cooling #brains #health
While temperatures soar, many are foregoing meals and medical care to pay for their AC. There are almost 30 million U.S. households struggling to pay their bills that qualify for an energy subsidy, but less than three percent receive it in the summer months. As climate change makes lethally hot days more common, that assistance could grow even more scarce as more people share an insufficient budget. Here’s what experts and advocates are saying.
#Heat #Cooling #AC #Bills
The last attempt to resurrect my NUC. I noticed abnormal CPU temperatures during every stress test, about 96 degrees. Will replace the thermal paste and pads between the CPU and radiator. Maybe add some lubrication to a fan.
#intelnuc #nuc #homelab #cpu #crash #overheating #cooling
Picked up an old Tesla P100 accelerator card off eBay quite cheap, managed to get it working in my home server.
Had to print up some ducts to add active cooling (they're usually cooled by the airflow within the server they're installed in), added a little fan smoother/adjuster and a few brackets to hold the (massive) card in place, then whipped up a little helper utility that reads from nvidia-smi GPU temp data to set the 12v fan speed as I was having issues getting fancontrol to read nvidia's i2c values in a useful way.
It's still a bit too noisy when under load, the fan I've got doesn't rotate until you apply at least 40% of the PWM cycle as it's a big-boi, so might look at getting a couple of smaller fans perhaps, just want to make sure the thing doesn't cook.
#MachineLearning #LocalAI #AI #ML #Nvidia #Linux #Hardware #3dprinting #cooling
#machinelearning #localai #ai #ml #nvidia #linux #hardware #3dprinting #cooling
Scientists hope to cool down the planet by using various geoengineering techniques. A new article explains that geoengineering is the deliberate manipulation of the Earth’s climate system to counteract global warming. This means that geoengineering could offer a potential solution or a last resort for the climate crisis. #geoengineering #climatechange #cooling https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/how-scientists-hope-to-cool-down-the-planet?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FArchetypes
#geoengineering #climatechange #cooling
A new white paint can reflect more than 98% of sunlight and cool buildings without air conditioning. A team of researchers from Purdue University developed the ultra-white paint that can lower the surface temperature by 4.5°C. This means that the white paint can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from cooling systems. #whitepaint #cooling #energy https://www.businessinsider.com/global-warming-purdue-white-paint-climate-change-2023-7?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FArchetypes&r=US&IR=T
"Most critical is investments in back-up power generation at regional cooling centers to ensure critical public health protections during blackout conditions and an expansion in the number of cooling centers to accommodate larger populations during compound climate and infrastructure events. " #DisasterPreparedness #blackouts #heatwaves #Arizona #AZwx #cooling
#disasterpreparedness #blackouts #heatwaves #arizona #azwx #cooling
#DistrictCooling and other #infrastructure and #archtectural changes can help increase the efficiency of #cooling #systems and radically reduce the #energy such systems use even as exponentially more people in more places are finally able to access the lifesaving benefits of artificially and more naturally cooled air.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange #solutions abound.
#solutions #ClimateChange #Energy #systems #cooling #archtectural #infrastructure #districtcooling
A nice, easy to read, article on the history of cooling things with lasers.
"Although using energy to cool something is, of course, routine – it’s what happens in your refrigerator – there is something about the idea of using nothing but light to cool a gas of particles to temperatures a fraction of a degree above absolute zero that makes even experienced physicists scratch their heads."
#physics #lasers #cooling #technology
"The U.S. Should Ditch AC and Use Middle Eastern Techniques to Cool its Cities"
#Environment #Heat #Cooling #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Sustainable #News #Technology #Weather #Innovation
#innovation #Weather #Technology #News #Sustainable #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #cooling #heat #Environment
Google’s annual environmental report released Monday showed the company continued to meet its goals for renewable energy use but still had a ways to go to meet its pledge to give back to communities more water than it’s taking out of them to cool its data centers and supply its offices.
#Google #Sustainability #Environment #WaterUsage #DataCenters #Cooling
#cooling #datacenters #waterusage #environment #sustainability #google
Ooh, neat. NPR Opinion: Life hacks from India on how to stay cool (without an air conditioner) #heatwave #cooling #heat h/t @futureape https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/08/02/1114354904/opinion-life-hacks-from-india-on-how-to-stay-cool-without-an-air-conditioner