so, on my way to work today, my bike's tire blew out as i was riding down a steep hill. i called my mom to tell her the bad news, and after i hung up, an off-duty cop drove up and asked me what was wrong. i told him my bike got a flat, and he drove me home to drop off my bike and took me to work, and REFUSED payment.
Coincidence is just a code word for "God is looking out for you".
#coolexperience #coolstory #godisgood
#coolexperience #coolstory #godisgood
All thia does is reinforce a bunch of harmful BS we'd be better off working past.
To be fair to her specifically, she can reply how she wants after he's coming for her. Absolutely fuck him, he's a waste of air.
But everyone else 'hahaha hilarious scathing reply'
I mean, not really. Very old joke. Unhelpful per above.
There was a good article called sth like 'joking about small dicks says more about you' but I can't find it now. #coolStory
Xposting own yotube comment (on ) for max #coolstory (to my followers who could almost be expected to be like “yeah, cool story”): [see photo or caption]
This isn’t even their first collab but I mean CJ IS BASICALLY THE JENNY TO SAM’S LINDSAY NOW I GUESS
(cf ; but for LA, the Toronto of California)
Digger today for these retaining walls. But the details are non-existent. #CoolStory