Forest Defender Killed by Police in Atlanta: Update for #StopCopCity
#ItCouldHappenHere #StopCopCity #coolzonemedia
"Welcome to Mastodon at SDF! If you are new please post an introduction along with hashtags of your interests." #introduction
I am still one of those people who isn't super into sharing legal name and whereabouts in publicly accessible Internet environs. I am friendly though!
I am likeliest to talk about: #rabbits #houserabbits #hrs #scifi #genrefiction #linguistics #history #medieval #capybara #cavy #wombat #radiolab #coolzonemedia #randomtrivia #museums #aquariums #wildlife #netflix
#introduction #rabbits #houserabbits #hrs #scifi #genrefiction #linguistics #history #medieval #capybara #cavy #wombat #radiolab #coolzonemedia #randomtrivia #museums #aquariums #wildlife #netflix
Personally, I think #CoolZoneMedia should create their own instance to host all of their podcasts' hosts and friends (like Cody and Katy). Then they'd have full control of what instances they federate and which they block (as well as individual trolls they block).
However, both #RiotDad and #SuperProducerSophie have explicitly stated their disinterest in Mastodon, so I'm not holding my breath.
#coolzonemedia #riotdad #superproducersophie