Tonight’s Aussie cellar dweller: the 2012 Chertsey from @penleyestate is oaky, with mocha and cedar over herbal, leafy notes and hints of cherry tomato, cassis, and dark chocolate. Full-bodied and velvety, it seems to have plenty of life ahead of it. Liked it, didn’t love it. The blend is 48% Cabernet Sauvignon, 38% Merlot, and 14% Cabernet Franc.
#wine #aussiewine #coonawarra #cabernetsauvignon #melot #cabernetfranc #upfromthecellar #robertparker #wineadvocate
#Wine #aussiewine #coonawarra #cabernetsauvignon #melot #cabernetfranc #upfromthecellar #robertparker #wineadvocate
Wanted: locals to #network with (not in the LinkedIn way, although I will accept work, actually, but that's not the point of the exercise)
I live near the #Victoria / #SouthAustraila border, towards the southern end.
I recently left my community 400km away where I had been living, working, organising and advocating for over a decade.
I'm interested in mutual aid, food (and all resource) sovereignty, anarchy and community sufficiency.
I have a lot to offer: I'm a #teacher with lots of practical skills from #SexualHealth to #Chainsaw use, a strong physical worker, an #ArtsWorker with long established art industry connections, a #FarmWorker with lots of #AnimalHealth experience and a #UnionOrganiser (arts and #SW) with experience fighting for #WorkersRights.
On the flip side I also need a lot of community support: I have a #disability which requires regular medication and makes me totally incapable of working for short periods.
I would like to get more involved with local communities sharing similar interests so please #boost if you know #anarchists #artists #UnionOrganisers #SWers or #FoodSovereignty peeps in #GundijimaraCountry #JardwadjaliCountry #DjabWurrungCountry #BindjaliCountry #BuandigCountry #MountGambier #LimestoneCoast #Coonawarra #Hamilton #Portland #Warnambool
💕Thank you!💕
#network #victoria #SouthAustraila #teacher #sexualhealth #chainsaw #artsworker #farmworker #animalhealth #unionorganiser #sw #workersrights #disability #boost #anarchists #artists #unionorganisers #swers #foodsovereignty #gundijimaracountry #jardwadjalicountry #djabwurrungcountry #bindjalicountry #buandigcountry #mountgambier #limestonecoast #coonawarra #hamilton #portland #warnambool
I committed a murder tonight 😬 although I'm not sure how much it was my fault and how much of it was the cork producers.
Either way, I thank the cork for its sacrifice, it performed its job admirably! I had planned on opening this 1993 bottle on New Years Eve but it didn't happen.
This 30 year old Penfolds Coonawarra Bin 128 Shiraz has aged beautifully, it's on its way down but still pretty darn delicious.
#wine #southaustralia #coonawarra #shiraz #middleaged