#HomeBrew day with #FullBarrelCoop members, making sure we have plenty of beer for the #btv Art Hop party at @LabB in a few weeks...
#homebrew #fullbarrelcoop #btv #coopbeer
I think the answer is that we could do it up to a 5-barrel system, given the amount of roof we'd have. The now we need to get a price estimate to figure out if the financial side will work...
The #Coop brewery network in the US is rumbling about starting up a yearly conference/gathering.
There are two #CoopBreweries in #Minneapolis, so thinking of trying to align it with the #CoopPrincipal inter-club gathering that sounds like it will be taking place there the weekend of October 6-7, as well as with the #blackonomics conference.
#coop #coopbreweries #minneapolis #coopprincipal #blackonomics #coopbeer #coopcapital #coopcommonwealth
The #coop brewery project that I've been working on steadily for the past four years has our annual meeting tomorrow, at which we will determine the future of the project.
The strategic options that I see and that I will be presenting to the membership can be read here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1if0FlXHtK-ItT1LDI-720ln-i5nMx3OXYYP0r8HLDqc/edit?usp=sharing
*bites nails* #memberdrivenbeer #coopbrewing #coops #coopbeer
#coop #memberdrivenbeer #coopbrewing #coops #coopbeer