I encounter far too many people in the #coop world (particularly food co-ops) who have NO IDEA how retained member equity functions in co-ops. For all their faults, electric co-ops are actually pretty good about this, and I found this short video that explains how what they refer to as "capital credits" work: https://youtu.be/4jahev0xJ_M
#SharedCapitalCoop is raising investment right now - our #coop investment club is in the process of considering putting a dollop of funds in. Details here: https://svx.us.com/offerings?tag=Shared%20Capital
#investing #investment #coopcapital #coop #sharedcapitalcoop
For #VT folks, the "Invest in #Vermont series is shaping up to be quite interesting.
The private equity peeps who did a Vermont Investors Summit didn't do one in 2020, so I conspired with a few folks at the local community foundation to put on a virtual version that *just happens* to include several sessions on alternative and solidarity economy investing. :blobhyperthink:
Info and registration here: https://vermontcf.org/events/invest-in-vt-series/
#newengland #coopcapital #impactinvestment #vermont #vt
Solid infographic from my #CreditUnion giving the basics on the flow of a credit union and how it is differentiated from a for-profit bank.
#coopfinance #coopcapital #creditunions #vsecu #creditunion
If you have freelance income and want to funnel your retirement savings in the #coop economy, #SELC is organizing a cohort of 100 folks to set up self-directed solo 401ks by the end of the year. Check this form for more details and to sign up to be part of the cohort! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyLlikwcBnWDiDv5vkMhJ1nJBGLrvo2XCtjV9zqg9ESIP1_w/viewform
#coops #coopinvesting #coopcapital #selc #coop
...the amount of time their capital has been in the fund. So, for instance, if I invest $50 in y1, and someone else invests $100 in y2, then, at the end of y2, each investor would get 50% of the return, because they each have 100 dollar years.
Still wrapping my head around all the implications, but it's quite the novel approach, and I'm curious to see if any of the other #coops nerds on here have thoughts.
#economicdemocracy #impactinvestment #coopcapital #coops
Interesting Q&A today with the founder of #Moeda: https://youtu.be/5bhThIzqhAI
#mda #cryptocurrency #coopcapital #moedaseeds #moeda
Realized the next level of my "hacking retirement savings systems to fund #SolidarityEconomy work" is figuring out how to set up a "Self-Directed IRA LLC".
Anyone in the FeDi have experience with such a thing? https://www.biggerpockets.com/member-blogs/3441/25068-self-directed-ira-llc-requirements
#retirement #ira #sdira #coopcapital #investing #solidarityeconomy
If you're in the US, the #NH Community Loan Fund is aiming to raise $12MM in new social investment capital by June 30 to help finance their largest mobile home park #coop conversion to date (more than 1k units of affordable housing). Our #CoopInvestmentClub is currently voting on investing a few $k, and details on investment terms are here for those interested: https://www.communityloanfund.org/how-you-can-help/invest
#CoopCapital #CoopFinance #CoopHousing #coops #ROCusa #NewHampshire
#newhampshire #rocusa #coops #coophousing #coopfinance #coopcapital #coopinvestmentclub #coop #nh
@neil Is there a recording/link. Couldn't make the time, but am quite interested in the topic... #coopcapital
The #CFNE interim co-directors are on the job now that their long-time ED's retirement has officially happened...
#coopfinance #coops #coop #newengland #coopcapital #cfne
Good quick summary of some of the nuances and challenges of #WorkerCoop conversions financing from Micha Josephy at the #Cooperative Fund of #NewEngland: https://medium.com/fifty-by-fifty/are-cooperatives-really-so-difficult-to-finance-3adec81c70a8
#coopfinance #coopcapital #coops #coop #workercoops #newengland #cooperative #workercoop
One of the cooler projects I encountered during the #WCNC18 was a start-up #WorkerCoop run by #PacificIslander women making and selling #leis in #California. Had a great conversation with their founder at the conference...
They're doing an #investment crowdfunding campaign to scale up, and the offering details are here, for those interested in such things: https://crowdfundmainstreet.com/campaigns/mdfxl1gl #CoopCapital #coops #coop
#wcnc18 #workercoop #pacificislander #leis #california #investment #coopcapital #coops #coop
The short summary of my possible plan to use a newly formed "#Burlington Real Estate Co-op" to acquire the space for our brewing #coop as its first project:
#burlington #coop #btv #coopcapital #coopfinance
Draft guide I put together today for financing sources for #WorkerCoop conversions. It's tailored to #Vermont, but much of the material is more widely applicable. Comments are turned on and feedback is most welcome: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r7O5U-ybj6bjx6e1evP_58fPC34WofOjmLB8IU2NrEo/edit?usp=sharing
#workercoop #vermont #coopcapital #coopfinance #workerstoowners
Shared Capital #Coop is hiring for a loan administrator: https://sharedcapital.coop/were-hiring/
#coop #coopjobs #coopcapital #coopfinance
Just heard that the newest #coop investment club officially launched this weekend in #Colorado with 7 founding members and $625/month in investments!
Their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/COSolidarityFund/
That makes for 4 clubs now officially up and running; the other three are #Minneapolis, #Boston, and #Vermont.
#coopcapital #coopprincipal #coopfinance #coops #co #cobiz #Denver
#coop #colorado #minneapolis #boston #vermont #coopcapital #coopprincipal #coopfinance #coops #co #cobiz #denver
About to head off to a BBQ and strategy meeting for the #Vermont Solidarity #Investing Club at #BTV #CoHousing.
Our club is pushing $20k of member assets in building the #coop economy, and I'm looking forward to hashing out how we build our scale and impact in the coming year.
#vermont #investing #btv #cohousing #coop #coops #coopcapital #vt
The #Coop brewery network in the US is rumbling about starting up a yearly conference/gathering.
There are two #CoopBreweries in #Minneapolis, so thinking of trying to align it with the #CoopPrincipal inter-club gathering that sounds like it will be taking place there the weekend of October 6-7, as well as with the #blackonomics conference.
#coop #coopbreweries #minneapolis #coopprincipal #blackonomics #coopbeer #coopcapital #coopcommonwealth
I've put together a document that summarized my proposal for doing this for the brewpub #coop I'm on the board of in #btv. Feedback and reflections on the approach for a start-up co-op most welcome!
#coop #btv #coopcapital #coops