Josh Davis · @GuerillaOntologist
440 followers · 5746 posts · Server

Somebody in or around Richmond, VA give this guy a call. Sounds like he could probably use some guidance/assistance. :TwinPines:

#workercoop #coopconversion

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt Cropp 🌲🌲 · @mattcropp
2099 followers · 7922 posts · Server

@nmashton This is usually defined in the bylaws, and can be up to the group.

I'd say the most common approach is the require folks the join the at the end of their trial period, but to empower the board of directors to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. I do also know for whom, at the end of the probationary period the choice is join or leave.

It ties heavily into how ownership fits into the company culture.

#coop #coops #workercoop #workerstoowners #coopconversion

Last updated 7 years ago