We're back at Arizmendi Ninth Ave. for a chat with worker/owners Lizzy and Aeri.
* What it means to work at a bakery co-op
* Personal stories and how they ended up at Arizmendi
* Circus arts!
Check out our talk at the link in our bio or your favorite #podcast app.
Photos by Jeff Hunt
#bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #NinthAvenueSF #SanFrancisco #storytelling #SoundsofTheCity
#podcast #Bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #ninthavenuesf #sanfrancisco #storytelling #soundsofthecity
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
#bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #cheeseboardpizza #Berkeley #NinthAvenueSF #SanFrancisco #storytelling #SoundsofTheCity
#Bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #cheeseboardpizza #berkeley #ninthavenuesf #sanfrancisco #storytelling #soundsofthecity