NYT Architecture : Interior Design Advice for the Long Haul https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/realestate/design-manuals.html #CooperHewitt,SmithsonianDesignMuseum #InteriorDesignandFurnishings #Wheeler,Candace(1827-1923) #Children'sMuseumoftheArts #BooksandLiterature #Palladio,Andrea #Conran,Terence #Architecture #Furniture #Museums #Design
#cooperhewitt #interiordesignandfurnishings #wheeler #children #booksandliterature #palladio #conran #architecture #furniture #museums #design
"What does it mean for a museum to acquire a digital artifact? You might be surprised to learn it’s less like the acquisition of a painting and more akin to how a zoo acquires a living tiger." The transcript for our latest podcast is up on our blog: https://stamen.com/andrea-lipps-curating-digital-artifacts/ Now you can read our interview with Andrea Lipps, Curator of Contemporary Design and the Head of the Digital Collecting Department at Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum! #PLN8 #podcast #curation #CooperHewitt #Smithsonian
#smithsonian #cooperhewitt #curation #podcast #pln8
On our latest #podcast episode we talk with Andrea Lipps, the Curator of Contemporary Design and the Head of the Digital Collecting Department at #CooperHewitt #Smithsonian Design Museum. Andrea is the curator behind the acquisition of Stamen’s watercolor map tiles into the permanent collection of the Smithsonian! Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts: https://stamen.com/andrea-lipps-curating-digital-artifacts/
#smithsonian #cooperhewitt #podcast
Congratulations to the Cooper Hewitt for establishing the first new department at the Smithsonian in 125 years: Digital Curatorial! We're thrilled to be a part of your collection. "Our new Digital dept, led by Andrea Lipps, will feature born-digital design, such as digital typefaces, web-based interactive works, icons and emojis, websites and more." https://www.cooperhewitt.org/2023/03/09/cooper-hewitt-announces-formal-establishment-of-the-digital-curatorial-department/ #CooperHewitt #Smithsonian #digital #curatorial #art #design
#design #art #curatorial #digital #smithsonian #cooperhewitt