Eine merkwürdige Beobachtung aus der Ferne: Die #supercoop Leute haben 876 Mitglieder die jeweils 3 Stunden im Monat unbezahlt arbeiten. Und stecken anscheinend (?) trotzdem in einer Art Existenzkrise.
Selbst wenn es wegen Ineffizienz nur 30 Vollzeitäquivalente sind, ist das eine absurd große Menge an kostenlosen Ressourcen/Zeitspenden für den Betrieb.
Mir ist absolut schleierhaft, wie es denen trotzdem nicht gelingt nachhaltig zu wirtschaften. Andere Projekte können von so vielen Ressourcen nur träumen.
Ich kann mir das nur so erklären, dass es da strukturelle Probleme gibt; oder einfach falsche Prioritäten?
#supercoop #coops #genossenschaften #Konsum
:TwinPines: I made audio and video versions of the "Manifesto for Wholesome Cooperation," which was written by the @SociocracyForAll Co-op Circle a few years back (@johnnymac is among the co-authors, iirc).
#Coops #Cooperatives #Sociocracy
#coops #cooperatives #sociocracy
Hat irgendwer Erfahrungen mit der PSD Bank (Berlin-Brandenburg)? #psdbank
Kostenlose Sofort-Überweisungen sind schon ein ziemlich cooles Feature. Und mit 500–600€ Genossenschaftsanteile gleicht die Dividende auch die Kontoführungsgebühren aus…
Und natürlich eine #Genossenschaft.
Also insgesamt sieht es wie ein echt gutes Angebot aus.
#psdbank #genossenschaft #coops #followerpower
RT Co-operative News: Check out this display of #coops heritage in Manchester - including some vintage editions of Co-op News!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/coopnews/status/1686696427752206336
RT Co-operative News
How are #coops driving #genderequity? Online event from @CoopsWales with contributions from @CooperativesUK, @mycoopfood, @Cwmpas_Coop, @CambrianCU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/coopnews/status/1686340173246738432
but I'll get to use the kayak and spend far less labor and energy to do so!
So great - but the problem remains, how do I find the things I want to borrow?
Amazon and other retailers build large search systems because they want to sell you things. #libraries because they don't create profits, are unable to get #capital that demands a return. This is a problem that we see with #coops as well - it's better for everyone but capital, but they have the veto power under #capitalism.
Or did . .
#libraries #capital #coops #capitalism
Re: https://twitter.com/BootsRiley/status/1686304996114182144
To support negotiations and leverage during the strike, I'm trying to advocate writer and artist-led streaming services. I built a technical prototype to show how feasible it can be. If any writers or artists are interested in exploring outside the studio/streamer system, I'd love to connect and hear your perspectives, and explore what we can make real.
#writers #artists #streaming #studios #strike #wga #negotiations #hollywood #entertainment #content #media #platform #digital #publicdomain #communitymedia #coops #solidarity #coop #cooperative
#writers #artists #streaming #studios #strike #wga #negotiations #hollywood #entertainment #content #media #platform #digital #publicdomain #communitymedia #coops #solidarity #coop #cooperative
One from the archives:
"The annual pay of CEOs is more than 300x higher than that of low-wage workers. But most people believe a "fair" level of inequality should be no more than 7 to 1, on average, while in many countries people want it to be less than 4 to 1."
- from @jasonhickel
Let's get more of our economies running on #coops!
The system is upside down!
Anti-capitalist but market-oriented organisations like #coops and #socialenterprise necessarily have an ambivalent relationship to the business development, investment, etc, legal/financial infrastructure. But they are important, because they enable people that are repelled by greed and exploitation to experience and understand the rewards of enterprise.
Tailored support is available in the UK - but it's 'a curate's egg' - good in places. There is though interesting stuff going on, like 'the Preston model' - public bodies using local small businesses, and especially co-ops and social enterprises, to supply products and deliver services, instead of dealing with multinationals. Such anti-multinational activism should be central to the environment movement.
Podcast alert!
After a long break, we are back with an episode of The Co-operative Way with Duncan Wallace. We discuss the philosophy of corporations law, Otto von Gierke and what his type of theory of corporations means for #coops and other voluntary associations.
Forgive us for some low quality recording and production but hopefully the content makes up for that!
Anyone on here who can't or prefers not to access through the Patreon send us a message.
Continuing our Tao of WAO season 6 on #coops #cooperatives #alternative #economy, I've just released episode 5 with me @dajb and @bevangelist on lessons learned after 7 years of @weareopencoop - this is a 2 parter, so stay tuned for part 2! https://soundcloud.com/tao-of-wao/s06-episode-5-co-op-lessons Transcript here: https://learnwith.weareopen.coop/products/podcast/season-6/s06-e05-co-op-lessons-pt-1/
#coops #cooperatives #alternative #economy
My interests:
#cinema (mainly #nouvellevague open to other genres)
#modernism (also all things mod)
#graphicdesign #typography etc
#socialism; #coops; #selfmanagement
and many other things!
#fountainpens #cinema #NouvelleVague #modernism #graphicdesign #typography #socialism #coops #selfmanagement
International Day of Co-operation. Greetings to all co-operators
@Homebrewandhacking There's a big difference. Essentially, Community Interest Companies (CICs) are one type of social enterprise legal form and they are for 'the public good'; whereas co-ops are for the benefit of their members. The best guide by far is from Co-ops UK, called Simply Legal.
#coops #cooperative #socialenterprise #cic #community
I very much would like to form a cooperative ISP here in Concord, but I do not want to deal with the dirty shit the existing providers pull to lockout competitors. I haven't given the idea up completely, but I am reluctant to spend time on it until I have an answer to these problems. #broadband #coops https://www.theverge.com/23763482/municipal-broadband-biden-internet-funds-telecom-lobbying
:TwinPines: Just posted an interesting article on Producer #Coops in Africa and Latin America.
The whole idea of 'celebrity' has to go.
The corporate 'dinosaurs' (as Kurt Cobain once called the major record label execs) need to get out of #music.
#Musicians need to support #coops like #Ampled (as opposed to Spotify and iTunes)
We need new ways to #selfpublish #literature, use #CreativeCommons.
Consumers of #art, #music, #literature have to change their attitudes about to view and interact with #artists
And so on.
#Music #musicians #coops #Ampled #selfpublish #Literature #creativecommons #art #artists