Homebrewing a #morse key doesn’t need to be expensive. Build a key with components you have available. Be innovative. Build a #sideswiper aka a #cootie key. It’s very simple and one of the funniest key to use.
Put the files up for this #3Dprint #cootie #sideswiper #morse #key
#key #morse #sideswiper #cootie #3dprint
I prefer single lever #cw keying to iambic. I like that I’m not subject to keyer mode idiosyncrasies. It’s also easy to convert a single lever to a #cootie for SKCC events. When I’m in a situation where only iambic paddles are available, I just use them like a single lever.
For any #iambic ops out there, good on you (any #CW op is welcome in my book), but one of my previous CWOps advisors sent this and it’s interesting reading: https://www.morsex.com/pubs/iambicmyth.pdf