'Global heating likely to hit world #food #supply before 1.5C, says UN expert
#Water scarcity threatening agriculture faster than expected, warns #Cop15 #desertification president'
#Climate #ClimateChange
#food #supply #water #cop15 #desertification #Climate #ClimateChange
#GlobalHeating likely to hit world #food supply before 1.5C, says #UN expert
#WaterScarcity threatening #agriculture faster than expected, warns #Cop15 #desertification president
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/12/global-heating-likely-to-hit-world-food-supply-faster-than-expected-says-united-nations-desertification-expert #ClimateCrisis
#climatecrisis #desertification #cop15 #agriculture #waterscarcity #un #food #globalheating
Protected areas: UK government not on course for COP15 pledge
#cop15 #ukgov #tories #protectedareas #biodiversity #hol #HOLEnviromentAndClimateChangeCommittee #InternationalCommitments #SSSIs #mpas #defra #johnson
« Alors qu’il y a 60 ans, le livre Printemps silencieux, de Rachel Carson, dénonçait déjà l’utilisation abusive des pesticides et leurs répercussions sur la #biodiversité, il est consternant de voir que le #Canada n’a jamais eu et n’a toujours pas de plan visant la diminution de l’utilisation des pesticides. »
Il faut mettre fin à notre dépendance aux #pesticides
#agrochimie #COP15 #Environnement #PolCan #AgricultureDurable #écocide
#biodiversite #canada #pesticides #agrochimie #cop15 #environnement #polcan #agriculturedurable #ecocide
« La #VilleDeQuébec doit être plus proactive dans la protection de la biodiversité, évalue le biologiste Claude Lavoie. Et ne pas se contenter de planter "des arbres et du gazon". »
Se rallier autour de la #biodiversité
#urbanisme #MilieuxNaturels #MunQC #BiodiversitéUrbaine #COP15
#villedequebec #biodiversite #urbanisme #milieuxnaturels #munqc #biodiversiteurbaine #cop15
Combating desertification in developing countries: A question of political will https://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/opinion/combating-desertification-in-developing-countries-a-question-of-political-will/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ClimateChange #COP15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
#climatechange #cop15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
Combating desertification in developing countries: A question of political will https://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/opinion/combating-desertification-in-developing-countries-a-question-of-political-will/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ClimateChange #COP15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
#climatechange #cop15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
Actus Mer/Sea News: 'I still can't get over the fact we did it': what it felt like to seal historic #COP15 deal - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/20/what-it-felt-like-to-seal-historic-cop15-biodiversity-deal-aoe?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Actus Mer/Sea News: #COP15 - Beyond Montreal: six months after deal to halt biodiversity loss, where are we? - @pgreenfielduk @phoeb0 The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/20/beyond-montreal-six-months-after-deal-to-halt-biodiversity-loss-where-are-we?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Actus Mer/Sea News: Nature at risk of breakdown if #COP15 pledges not met, world leaders warned - @pgreenfielduk The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/20/nature-at-risk-of-breakdown-if-cop15-pledges-not-met-world-leaders-warned?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
"A a policy of restoring already degraded [old growth....is] not incompatible with timber production.
The future is uncertain for our last old-growth boreal forests #canpoli #forests #biodiversity #cop15
#canpoli #forests #biodiversity #cop15
Actus Mer/Sea News: Après la #COP15 de Montréal, où en est l'action en faveur de la biodiversité ? - The Conversation France https://theconversation.com/apres-la-cop15-de-montreal-ou-en-est-laction-en-faveur-de-la-biodiversite-198750?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#ClimateDiary Today is #BiodiversityDay. The overall trend is bleak, as the #BiodiversityStripes illustrate. But this is all the more reason to know and rediscover existing #biodiversity enhancing #AgroEcology practices.
Am reposting this #HistoricalEcology 🧵 I did during #COP15 in Dec’22 - a brief world tour through West and East Africa, Amazonia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Europe, N America - enoy! I do believe #IntermediateDisturbance is the way forward
#ClimateDiary #biodiversityday #BiodiversityStripes #biodiversity #agroecology #historicalecology #cop15 #intermediatedisturbance
(10/10) With the slogan being ‘Building a shared future for all life’, it was chosen to continue building momentum and support for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be adopted at the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference #COP15. It also conveys the message, that biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better. https://www.un.org/en/observances/biological-diversity-day
Maybe today is the one day to dig up this video that was recorded for the Prince's rainforest campaign 13 years ago. It, and other clips like it, was filmed in Copenhagen during #COP15 https://youtu.be/3p5NKkXIPck
#OF #cpp #C++ #cop15 #budget #climatechange #coûtscomparatifs #pollution #attempts #tentatives #ungribouillageparjour #onescribbleperday #economy
#of #cpp #c #cop15 #budget #climatechange #coutscomparatifs #pollution #attempts #tentatives #ungribouillageparjour #onescribbleperday #economy #robthebank
@ipbes the report looks really interesting - i have downloaded it and look forward to reading it properly. Perhaps you are interested in this mini-series i did here on Mastodon, looking at a different example of positive human/biodiversity relations from around the globe for each day of #COP15. So many good existing practices of living with #Biodiversity
We need to talk about #EUBiodiversity because #NatureIsEveryonesBusiness
Join the webinar ‘Stepping up on biodiversity: How are investors taking action since #CoP15?’ tomorrow 18 April at 14:00 CEST
Register here 👉 https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/17701/576430?utm_source=PRI&utm_medium=brighttalk&utm_campaign=576430
#ForOurPlanet #cop15 #natureiseveryonesbusiness #eubiodiversity
Welche Bedeutung haben Gendaten für die globale #Biodiversität? Welche Regeln sollten für den Umgang mit ihnen gelten?
Interview mit Irma Klünker (WI / @humboldtuni) über die Verhandlungen auf der UN-Biodiversitätskonferenz #COP15 in Montréal und ihr aktuelles Policy Paper: https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/news/default-a56cfecd31aaf0ddcc5d11a52d07c541/
Plus d'1 million d'espèces sont menacées d'extinction ‼️
Les groupes criminels organisés profitent de ces crimes à faible risque, mais très rentables & nocifs pour l'environnement. ⏩
🛑stop à la perte de biodiversité. #ForNature #COP15 #EndWildlifeCrime @UNBiodiversity
#endwildlifecrime #cop15 #ForNature