Join us tomorrow (17 Jan) at 4:00 PM CET on for a live with Susanna Cafaro (, Prof. of European Union Law and Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Salento.

In this dialogue we discuss the creation of a Loss and Damage Fund, as agreed at COP27 and look at the challenges this development poses in relation to the fund’s democratic governance, especially from the perspective of the global south.

#rebootdialogue #cop2 #climatejustice #lossanddamage

Last updated 2 years ago

Sony Kapoor :verified: · @sonykapoor
327 followers · 12 posts · Server

Even before started, there was no thermodynamically, financially, economically, technologically, and politically feasible path left to keep us under 1.5 degree.

7 has been about "virtue signalling" that we believe in 1.5, but in fact put the final nail in the coffin of the 1.5 degree target by failing to agree any tangible measures that can deliver the speed n scale needed for half a chance in hell of staying under 1.5

will continue to grow as an existential threat

#cop27 #cop2 #climatechange

Last updated 2 years ago