Retour en images sur la #COP25 du 2 au 8 décembre.
#cop25 #cop25madrid #ultimatumcop25
I stand w/ the 100s kicked out of #COP25 yesterday, & echo the call: Developing gov'ts, be strong against bullies like EU/Can/Aus siding with U.S. & Big Polluters, & demand: YES real solutions. NO schemes like carbon markets. YES $$ for loss & damage. #PollutersOut #COP25Madrid
#cop25 #pollutersout #cop25madrid
Schlechte Neuigkeiten von den Klima-Modellen: korrigiertes Worst-Case-Szenario projiziert nun 6,5° C Erwärmung in 80 Jahren (bisherige Annahme 4-5°C).
Gute Neuigkeiten: Wir können alle aktiv werden und etwas tun. JETZT!
#jointherebellion #actnow #cop25madrid
South Korea, built this bike lane covered by #solar panels. Cyclists are isolated from traffic, protected from the sun, and produces #cleanenergy at the same time!
We have the solutions, implement them. #ActOnClimate
#solar #cleanenergy #actonclimate #climate #energy #cdnpoli #greennewdeal #cop25 #cop25madrid