@fulelo @farhanasultana @ericholthaus
Here some extracts of the article (to make you read it, it's totally worth 😉):
"While the global community congratulates itself on achieving what is politically possible, we cannot overlook the anemic nature of the agreement considering the magnitude of the problem. It will not avoid the death of millions – because they simply do not matter.” (Pulido, 2018, p. 128)
Ernstson and Swyngedouw (2019) termed the depoliticizing technocratic discourse that coexists with obscene capitalist accumulation and waste as the Anthropo-obscene (critiquing the totalizing banner of Anthropocene that homogenizes an undifferentiated humanity that does not exist).
A performance of diversion, delay, co-optation, and performativity without substance is repeated almost annually. Nonetheless, these are also spaces of opportunities to challenge the system, to utter necessary words for more people to hear, collectivize among young and old activists, learn from different positionalities, create new openings and possibilities of alliances – in other words, a repoliticization of climate instead of the depoliticized techno-economist utopias that never deliver.
আমরা কোথায় যাব, আমাদের কি ভবিষ্যৎ? আমরাকি হত্তছারা, পরিত্যক্ত? (Where will my people go, what future do we have? Must we remain abandoned, forsaken?) The disproportionate burden of climate damage is falling on formerly colonized and brutalized racialized communities in the developing world. We are still colonized, but this time through climate change, the development industry, and globalization. I feel an immense responsibility to do something. But no one is going to listen to someone like me, and even more importantly, more marginalized peoples, women and children, farmers and fisherfolk, writers and scholars. But we are all expected to be resilient because we have no choice.
Climate coloniality is perpetuated through global land and water grabs, REDD+ programs, neoliberal conservations projects, rare earth mineral mining, deforestation for growth, fossil fuel warfare, and new green revolutions for agriculture – which benefit a few while dispossessing larger numbers of historically-impoverished, often elsewhere.
I stop now, there is too much truth. You should read the article anyway :ecoanarchism_heart:
#ClimateChange #DeColonization #AntiColonization #ClimateJustice #ClimateColonialism #ClimateColoniality #EnvironmentalJustice #Capitalism #NeoColonialism #Racism #Cop26 #Cop27 #ScholarActivism #IndigenousScholars
#ClimateChange #decolonization #anticolonization #ClimateJustice #climatecolonialism #ClimateColoniality #environmentaljustice #capitalism #neocolonialism #racism #COP26 #cop27 #scholaractivism #indigenousscholars
"Old" news. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #climate #ideas.
#Countries comprised of 85% of the #world's #population formed a #coalition and demanded at #COP27 that the #rich countries, we who are most responsible for the harms of #ClimateChange, create an #ExtremeWeather #recovery #fund.
"You cannot adapt to extinction"
"3 drops of moisture"
"The...fund is not about dispensing #charity, it is clearly a down payment on the longer #investment in our join #futures"
#futures #investment #charity #fund #recovery #extremeweather #ClimateChange #rich #cop27 #coalition #population #world #countries #ideas #Climate
Keine Reparationen für die Länder, die am meisten unter der #Klimakrise leiden und am wenigsten zu ihr beigetragen haben: Das meint John Kerry. Auf der #COP27 war die US-Regierung noch großer Unterstützer des globalen Fonds. Leere Versprechungen also! https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-under-no-circumstances-will-pay-into-loss-damage-fund-kerry-2023-07-13/
One of the greatest threats to ##climate #progress, Gore said, is the #fossilfuel industry’s growing influence on the #UnitedNations-sponsored #COP28 talks in November.
As we reported last year, there were 636 fossil fuel #lobbyists at #COP27.
#climate #progress #fossilfuel #unitednations #COP28 #lobbyists #cop27
🇧🇧 Climat: comment la dirigeante de la Barbade a relancé l'idée d'une réforme de la finance mondiale 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #Barbade #MiaMottley #COP27 #climat
#revuedepresse #politique #international #Barbade #miamottley #cop27 #climat
Kymmenen päivää kestäneet ilmastoneuvotteltu #Saksa n Bonnissa ovat päättyneet ilman mainittavaa edistystä.
Tähän mennessä tehdyillä päätöksillä maapallon ilmasto lämpenee vuoteen 2100 mennessä 2,8 astetta.
#ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #ilmastotoimet #NytOnPakko #Bonn #COP27
#saksa #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos #ilmastotoimet #nytonpakko #bonn #cop27
As if the the serious human rights issues and massive scale oil lobbying of #COP27 in Egypt wasn't bad enough, #COP28 in Dubai is just upping the ante.
As this thread highlights, #COP28 is shaping up to be the most corrupt mockery of an environmental meeting ever.
Folks, this problem is not going to fix itself. The fossil fuel industry is only getting stronger and more brazen every year.
We the people need to step now, and do it now.
RT @GreenRupertRead
Is THIS civilisation finished? Looks like it. But what comes next? That’s where you come in…
My new short film OUT OF THE ASHES, written by me & @FrannyArmstrong and directed by @ageofstupid animation director Martyn Pick.
Please watch and RT!
I piani dell’Europa per l’idrogeno verde mettono a rischio i Paesi africani https://euractiv.it/section/energia-e-ambiente/news/i-piani-delleuropa-per-lidrogeno-verde-mettono-a-rischio-i-paesi-africani/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Africasubsahariana #Cop27 #idrogenoverde #Namibia
#africasubsahariana #cop27 #idrogenoverde #namibia
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries!
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
RT @GlobalJusticeUK
The 'Big 5' oil companies are responsible for 11% of historic emissions - more than the 150 least emitting countries at #COP27
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #cop27
Can’t say I’m a fan of the #RoyalFamily, but riding the ICE to #Hamburg is quite the contrast in light of EU council taking private🛩️ to #COP27
RT @derspiegel
Der britische König Charles III. ist mit Frau Camilla in Hamburg eingetroffen – per ICE. Er gedachte jüdischer Kinder sowie der Weltkriegsfolgen, auf dem Rathausmarkt…
After the milestone #LossAndDamage finance deal struck at #COP27, work to make it reality is about to begin. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/01032023/cop27-loss-damage-deal-developing-nations/
#lossanddamage #cop27 #climatejustice #climate
The Tyee: Why BC Needs a Climate Fund for First Nations (in Analysis) https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/03/21/BC-Climate-Fund-First-Nations/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #CanadianCentreforPolicyAlternatives #UNSecretary-GeneralAntónioGuterres #HeiltsukFirstNation #Lytton,B.C.wildfire #BCPremierDavidEby #Nlaka’pamuxNation #COP27
#BCNews #TheTyee #CanadianCentreforPolicyAlternatives #unsecretary #heiltsukfirstnation #Lytton #BCPremierDavidEby #nlaka #cop27
1/ #ClimateJustice & the Loss and Damage Fund: How can Attribution Science help? 🌏
At #COP27, participating states agreed to set up a Loss and Damage Fund to financially assist communities and states highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. However, the modalities of the fund are still up in the air.
#AttributionScience #cop28 #ClimateChange #cop27 #climatejustice
News dal mondo e report https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/2023/03/news-dal-mondo-e-report/ #puntata #COP27 #news
News dal mondo e report
#news #puntata #COP27
RT @UNBiodiversity
@theGEF will create a new special trust fund to enable the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework🌱
Combined with the momentum built at #COP27 & #COP15, this means a greater chance for the protection of #Biodiversity & nature🌍
Via @theGEF
The approval of #LossAndDamage fund at #COP27 still needs concrete creation and application & #DebtCancellation must come with it. These measured need to be protected from the corruption of financial elites for GS communities to benefit from it.
#lossanddamage #cop27 #DebtCancellation
"BIPOC communities in the Global South have practical knowledge of climate change," says @ShamimZawadi, activist from Tanzania present in Egypt for #COP27, but also of alternative practices & organisation to replace the hegemonic & deadly model imposed by Global North elites. 🧵
am kommenden Mittwoch 1.3. gibts ab 19h:
"Reflections on COP27 and the road ahead - What's up for global climate justice in 2023"
#cop27 #climateaction #klimakrise
"interactive discussion with youth climate delegates and activists as they reflect on their experiences at COP27 and share their insights on the road ahead for global climate justice in 2023. "
mit Romie Niedermayer Carla Kienel
#klimadelegation #naju
#cop27 #climateaction #KlimaKrise #klimadelegation #naju