#policebrutality: #Settlement mandates that #NYPD refrain from crowd control tactics like kettling & implement a new response system that deemphasizes #police presence at #protests, deescalate...
#AbolishQualifiedImmunity #GeorgeFloyd #CopAGanda #HumanRightsViolations #StateSanctionedViolence
#policebrutality #Settlement #nypd #police #protests #abolishqualifiedimmunity #GeorgeFloyd #copaganda #HumanRightsViolations #statesanctionedviolence
@CrimethInc @SocialistStan
People of the #USA, don't forget the role of #Hollywood behind this disgusting attempt to destroy a forest to build a #copaganda city.
The city will apparently be used as a set for #television programming designed to brainwash people into thinking officers are just great benevolent folk that only hurt bad cartoon characters.
Consider shutting down #tvNetworks peacefuly.
#usa #hollywood #copaganda #television #tvnetworks #StopCopCity #propaganda #prisonslaverycomplex
@maggiemaybe @dontreportme @popcornreel you don't want to understand it.
Because you've overdosed on #Copaganda...
Or do you actually believe the state is your friend?
Considering the amount of fash people that are being accepted in LEAs, those Organizations make themselves irredeemable...
@dontreportme @popcornreel Not shure if you're blindly naive in believing that bans ever worked, considering the #USA's #WarOnDrugs as one of the biggest exports.
I know it's hard to unlearn #Copaganda, but considering the prime #gang that accounts for #murder and #death are #cops, #DisarmTheCopsFirst.
Would I love to see a society where people didn't have to defend themselves with self-loaders? OFC!
#disarmthecopsfirst #cops #death #murder #gang #copaganda #warondrugs #USA
@hart das schöne ist ja, dass Kleinkriege wie #Tempolinit dazu dienen, Leute von den wirklichen Problemen abzulenken:
Also #FaschistischeKackshice die gepushed wird.
Aber jey, haupstache #Clowns alla @AufstandLastGen können weiter #Copaganda pusjmhen statt konsequent #SystemChangeNotClimateChange zu fordern...
#SystemChangeNotClimateChange #copaganda #clowns #faschistischekackshice #tempolinit
Glaubt die Polizei wirklich, dass irgendwer was gesehen hat?
Ich meine, selbst wenn: das sind > € 250.000 in Weed.
Leute wurden schon für weniger Geld kaltgestellt...
Oder glauben die ernsthaft dass sich da jemensch meldet? ROFLMAO!
#LegalizeItNow damit nicht #Steuergelder in in die #Verfolgung #OpferloserDelikte und einer postfaktischen #Prohibition verschwendet werden!
#copaganda #polizeiproblem #endthedrugwar #prohibition #opferloserdelikte #verfolgung #steuergelder #legalizeitnow
Η Αστυνομία η "καλή" που βοηθάει στις φωτιές αλλά "αστοχεί" να σταματήσει νεοναζί δολοφόνους
#ΜΜΕ_ξεφτιλες #ΝΔ_απατεωνες #Μιχαλης_Κατσουρης
#Copaganda #Ολιγαρχια #Ναζι #νεα_φιλαδέλφεια
#μμε_ξεφτιλες #νδ_απατεωνες #μιχαλης_κατσουρης #copaganda #ολιγαρχια #ναζι #νεα_φιλαδέλφεια
And no, I'm not doing illegal shit out of principle, because I do know that if I were to do so this would be weaponized for more facist & postfactual #FearCulture, #DeprivationOfRights and be used and abused for #Copaganda 24/7.
And convicts can't successfully lobby for changes they want to see legislatively.
#copaganda #deprivationofrights #fearculture
Head-on collision in North York leaves three pedestrians and two drivers injured.
Why do media reports of car crashes feature an image of police badges or cars?
They're not relevant. They don't stop crashes.
We don't need an armed paramilitary force to investigate.
@whitekiba @lamp Did the #cops apologize and did the person that literally SWATted you get sentenced for that shit?
If not, then congrats, we live in a #facist #PoliceState per very definition!
I'm really pissed amidst the masses of #Copaganda in #Tech!
#Tech #copaganda #policestate #facist #cops
@lamp shit like this is why @tails should really have an #UndercoverMode like @kalilinux again, because people believe #Copaganda against #Tor, #Tails and #Linux way too easy...
#Linux #tails #Tor #copaganda #undercovermode
@vfrmedia @chris @Crispius @ProPublica I just don't DIY guns myself out of principle as I know this would be weaponized for future #Copaganda and #FUD and being convicted of a felony would result in self-inflicted unemployability and 0 entitlement to benefits.
@HRandbusiness @pluralistic this was intentional, as #NSAbook is just the privatized #Stasi 4.0 and thus copies the #ModiOperandi and #Copaganda of the Stasi!
#copaganda #modioperandi #stasi #NSAbook
#Copaganda: How #CopShows Lie to You
Are we being brainwashed by #cop shows? Daily Show producer Madeleine Kuhns and writer Ashton Womack join Roy to look at the legacy and popularity of #policing onscreen, and how it shapes our relationship with #police in the real world.
#copaganda #copshows #cop #policing #police
Postwar #conservatives depicted #Termination and #Relocation within an #anticommunist framework. “We are spending billions of dollars fighting #communism. . . [and] perpetuating the system of #reservations and #tribal governments, which are natural #Socialist #environments,” Montana Senator George Malone cried.
#defundthepolice #greencolonialism #copaganda #resourcecolonialism #theheatison
#conservatives #termination #Relocation #anticommunist #communism #reservations #tribal #socialist #environments #defundthepolice #greencolonialism #copaganda #resourcecolonialism #theheatison
Erst slided @giggls mir in die mentions und dann haut er ab weil seine #Copaganda nicht zieht...
In einem freiheitlich-demokratischen System muss der Staat sich eine Hinterfragung gefallen lassen...
Jener Staat würde gar womöglich nicht nur "Moral High Ground" gewinnen können...
Aber okay wer nie mit der #Polizei interagieren musste, labert auch einfach deren #Propaganda unreflektiert nacht...
#Propaganda #Polizei #copaganda
How the "Last Living Soviet Video Game Developers" Recruited #ChapoTrapHouse for #DiscoElysium
'Disco Elysium' Was Too Afraid of Sincerity to Be Revolutionary
Disco Elysium and #Copaganda (does some needlessly u.s.-centric contextualizing)
Disco Elysium: Femininity of Gameplay, Masculinity of Character
#PeopleMakeGames Investigation: Who’s Telling the Truth about Disco Elysium? (fucking 2.5 hours long, about the corporate fallout)
#chapotraphouse #DiscoElysium #copaganda #PeopleMakeGames
Field Notes from the Frontlines of the Government's War on the Left
Michael Gould-Wartofsky on his TomDispatch article, "American Inquisition: Field Notes from the Frontlines of the Government's War on the Left," which also appeared at Salon.
#copaganda #stateterror #neofascism #fascism #indirectplutocracy
#copaganda #stateterror #neofascism #fascism #indirectplutocracy
For some reason I can’t resist hate-watching copaganda shows and collecting all the tired tropes. Here’s what I’ve got so far. What’d I miss?
This is exceedingly common. #Cops will shoot their own #dogs, then use their deaths as #copaganda.
The vast majority of #police dogs “killed in the line of duty” are killed by the cops themselves.
Cops also kill an average of 25 pet dogs every single day, per Justice Department statistics. Frequently these dogs are shot and killed while children are present.
Dogs and cops do not mix.
:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:
#cops #dogs #copaganda #police