“Electronic Warfare” (EW) is a phrase used by Camp Grayling officials when they state what they intend to utilize the expansion area for. It’s a broad term that describes a range of military action designed to manage awareness of the battle space through control of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) and the denial of enemy access to it. Signal jamming, electronic intelligence collection, and electromagnetic and direct energy weapons all fall under the umbrella of EW.
Military, police, and private forces around the world readily acknowledge that EW is a key component of dominating the battle spaces of the future. Hidden behind their obfuscating language and industry practices is also an acknowledgement that what they mean by “battle space” is not limited to state-on-state warfare. The battle space they seek to dominate is prisons. It is borders.
@thefinalstrawradio #StopCampGrayling
For the hour, the militants talk about the ecological, social, economic and other potential impacts of expanding the military industrial complex and this counterinsurgency training ground in particular.
#StopCampGrayling #StopCopCity #copcityiseverywhere