Describe #CopenhagenCowboy in as few words as possible....
Me: #WhatTheFuck ?
#whatthefuck #copenhagencowboy
Terminada la segunda sesión de #OverTheEdge
Está quedando muy guapa.
Pero porque la mesa es estupenda y el trasfondo tiene mucho juego (y más si le aplicamos un 30 años después).
Pero el sistema en sí... Lo siento hecho por y para que no moleste.
Y eso no me termina de gustar.
Buen rato de juego, eso sí.
Y maravillosa la BSO de #CopenhagenCowboy
#overtheedge #copenhagencowboy #ttrpg #juegosderol #juegoderol #elsistemaimporta
handlingen er som en glemt B-film men med galskapen og estetikken skrudd til maks. noe rotete om gangstere og vampyraktige adelige i et slags mytologisk nåtidsdanmark. ikke så viktig, alt som betyr noe her er hvor fantastisk bra og unikt dette ser ut.
Did you know #copenhagencowboy is the soul of #metoo... as a movie? @mariapopova (sorry Maria, you're the only one who could get it)
@teh_andeh I'm just on ep 2 but already getting big Lynch vibes! The car headlights along the dark road at night, the red curtains in the brothel, the stilted dialogue and stylized melodramatic acting. The general surreal vibe rooted in sexual violence against women. I am finding it interesting though... #CopenhagenCowboy
Nicolas Winding Refn contemplating how many times he can fit penis, cock, and other euphemisms for male genitalia into #CopenhagenCowboy before people will think it's too cute.
#Netflix #meh #OverRated #crime #movies #series
#copenhagencowboy #netflix #meh #overrated #crime #movies #series
J'accroche à #copenhagencowboy
J'aime Lynch.
Ça paraît logique.
Mars c'est plus qu'une influence lynchienne cette série.
A suivre.
@poetry_weekend je pense que vous aimeriez.
Mal wieder ein kurzer Serien Review: ich hab jetzt #CopenhagenCowboy auf #Netflix zu Ende geschaut. Quasi ein ziemlich langer #Arthouse Film. Sehr langsam, tolle Bilder und Szenen, teilweise etwas verstörend und viele offene Fragen. Ich würde sagen vom Mainstream weit entfernt, aber wer Independent Filme mag (also zB sowas wie #Memoria) könnte hier dran Spaß haben. Ich fands gut und würde die nächste Staffel auf jeden Fall anschauen.
#memoria #arthouse #netflix #copenhagencowboy
Finished watching Netflix's #CopenhagenCowboy last night. I personally found it really enjoyable, but not everyone may like it. Felt like director NWR is an acquired taste.
Die sehr interessante Doku „#Nightcall with #NicolasWindingRefn“ über die Entstehung seiner Serie #CopenhagenCowboy ist frei bei YouTube verfügbar!
#nightcall #nicolaswindingrefn #copenhagencowboy
Julian Winding‘s „Undead is the new red“ ist einfach wahnsinnig gut und akzentuiert Refn’s Stil einfach in einer unglaublichen Brillanz. Allein dafür muss man #copenhagencowboy ein kleines bisschen lieben ❤️
Ich liebe die herausragende audiovisuelle Qualität von Nicolas Winding Refn‘s #copenhagencowboy, besonders die Musik von Cliff Martínez und Julian Winding! Auch die Idee „Drive“ stilistisch auf „Pusher treffen zu lassen ist toll. Trotzdem hat’s mich narrativ leider nicht wirklich abgeholt.
#CopenhagenCowboy three episodes in (halfway through) is much more highly stylized mood and atmosphere, than story.
I feel it's going to be just another piece of entertainment that teases far more than it delivers, especially its promise of pure evil, deeply explored.
It's the first work by Nicolas Wendig Refn I've watched because, other than The Neon Demon, it's the only one I'm aware of that seemed interesting to me.
So far, I'm not impressed; there's no substance, only style, imo.
Ci si trova catapultati in una fiaba dai toni noir dove si capisce molto poco.
Lentissimo e altamente onirico, visivamente avvolgente.
Non è una serie da grande pubblico, ma da fan di #NicholasWindingRefn è uno spettacolo.
📝Voto: 7+
#copenhagencowboy #NicholasWindingRefn #serietv #26gennaio #nwr
I have not been able to stop watching #CopenHagenCowboy over the last week or so, but I haven't been able to make sense of it entirely either.
It's not always the best/consistently paced, and there is an indefatigable set of unexplained aspects, yet still appears to work in this neon and pattern coated fever dream of a super-unnatural #Skandinoir universe. It's from the same guy who gave us Drive, Valhalla Rising and Neon Demon.
It's artsy enough to keep my eyes in, but it's some weird shit.
Como gosto muito do trabalho do NWR (aliás, Drive tá entre meus filmes favoritos da vida), não poderia deixar de assistir Copenhagen Cowboy e gostei demais do primeiro episódio, por isso fiz essa rascunheira da protagonista, Miu.
#rascunho #sketch #krita #CopenhagenCowboy #netflix #digitalsketch #dessin #desenho #drawing #quicksketch #desenhando
#rascunho #sketch #krita #copenhagencowboy #netflix #digitalsketch #dessin #desenho #drawing #quicksketch #desenhando
Como gosto muito do trabalho do NWR (aliás, Drive tá entre meus filmes favoritos da vida), não poderia deixar de assistir Copenhagen Cowboy e gostei demais do primeiro episódio, por isso fiz essa rascunheira da protagonista, Miu.
#rascunho #sketch #krita #CopenhagenCowboy #netflix #digitalsketch #dessin #desenho #drawing #quicksketch #desenhando
#rascunho #sketch #krita #copenhagencowboy #netflix #digitalsketch #dessin #desenho #drawing #quicksketch #desenhando
I needed a couple of episodes to get into the flow of #CopenhagenCowboy, but now I really dig the show. It's slow, but it oozes style and the Dolby Atmos soundtrack is great. Probably my favorite #NWR project after "Drive".
Considering the RIDICULOUS decision by #Netflix to cancel #1899, I doubt they'll do season 2 of weird, slow, challenging #CopenhagenCowboy. But they should because it's weird, slow and challenging!