Spaceflight πŸš€ · @spaceflight
1566 followers · 1348 posts · Server

πŸ“† 1950 the question "Where is everybody ?" occurred to at lunch 🍽️ one day.

β€’ The 🌌 contains hundreds of billions of stars πŸŽ‡, and billions of them are similar to the β˜€οΈ.
β€’ It is highly likely that some of these stars will have planets πŸͺ that are similar to 🌏.
β€’ If we assume – via the principle – that Earth is not particularly special, then life should also exist on some fraction of these Earth-like .
β€’ Some of these intelligent life-forms might develop advanced technology, and even .
β€’ travel would take a long time, but as there are many sun-like that are billions of years older, there has been plenty of time βŒ› for such to have occurred.
β€’ Given all this, why haven’t we met or seen πŸ”­ any trace of πŸ‘½ ?

Picture :

#fermi #milkyway #sun #earth #copernican #intelligent #planets #interstellartravel #interstellar #stars #Travel #aliens #fermiparadox

Last updated 1 year ago

Fondazione BEIC · @fondazionebeic
101 followers · 1296 posts · Server

1473, nasce l'astronomo polacco NiccolΓ² Copernico. Noto per aver promosso l'evidenza del sistema eliocentrico contro il sistema geocentrico fino ad allora sostenuto in Europa.


#copernican #astronomia #terra #sole #history #astronomy #19febbraio

Last updated 4 years ago