#ESA #Copernicus #Sentinel1 #InSAR interferogram of the postseismic displacements induced by the September 8 #Earthquake that occurred in #Morrocco between #Marakech and #Agadir.
If considering that movement is purely vertical and counting approx 5 fringes to the epicentre, it means a cumulated 15cm vertical displacement.
Processing made from #Sentinel1 SAR pair acquired on August 30 and September 11, 2023.
#esa #copernicus #Sentinel1 #InSAR #earthquake #morrocco #marakech #agadir #MasTerEngine
After all the mess of Brexit, a deal has finally been made to allow UK scientists to rejoin the Horizon research programme and also give them access to the Copernicus Earth observation satellite programme.
#GoodNews #UK #Brexit #Science #Horizon #Satelite #Copernicus #Research #Community #Cooperation #Europe
#goodnews #uk #brexit #science #horizon #satelite #copernicus #research #community #cooperation #europe
#Satellitenbilder der Überschwemmungsgebiete in Griechenland vom #copernicus Programm
#Satellitenbilder #copernicus #thessalien #flood #greece #griechenland #uberschwemmung
Will someone please find a way of making #Horizon, #Copernicus and #Erasmus #sexy?
#Readmission to Horizon Europe and Copernicus is of far greater significance than an escaped prisoner.
#readmission #sexy #erasmus #copernicus #horizon
@sellathechemist @helenczerski @BBCRadio4
I find that one should take note of the facts and pay little attention to opinions. So today we celebrate that the UK is once again part of the ERC academic research and funding system.
#copernicus #horizoneurope #uk
The UK government put out a press release:
"UK joins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal"
#copernicus #horizoneurope #eu #science #uk
#EU - #UK press release on #Horizon, and joint statement on rejoining both #HorizonEU and #Copernicus
#copernicus #HorizonEU #horizon #uk #eu
Geologist & physical geographer. Works with data analysis, data management and visualization within spatial data, GIS, remote sensing, metadata. Happy outside in Nature.
Likes #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datamanagement #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #datamanagement #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
Geolog & naturgeograf. Arbetar med dataanalys, informationshantering och visualisering inom geodata, gis, fjärranalys, metadata. Gärna ute i naturen på fritiden.
Gillar #geoscience #environmentalscience #remotesensing #gis #FOSS #dataanalysis #geospatial #copernicus #OpenStreetMap #grassgis #qgis #GenericMappingTools #perl #python #gnuplot #imagemagick #spatial #OpenSource #openscience #datavisualization #Linux #amateurastronomy #running #cycling
#presentation #Cycling #Running #amateurastronomy #Linux #datavisualization #openscience #OpenSource #spatial #imagemagick #gnuplot #Python #perl #genericmappingtools #qgis #grassgis #OpenStreetMap #copernicus #geospatial #dataanalysis #FOSS #gis #remotesensing #environmentalscience #geoscience
Using the #Copernicus OpenEO API to analyze remote satellite datasets with #RStats
#copernicus #rstats #remotesensing #sentinel2
#Copernicus costs ~2 € per EU citizen per year
✅It delivers early warning information and forecasts for floods, droughts & forest fires
and when disasters strike,
✅it provides information to emergency managers and first responders
EU's #Copernicus program: Tracking humans' impact on Earth
The past few years have been some of the hottest ever. Scientists are able to observe these sorts of long-term #weather trends using satellites and ground-based instruments through the EU's Copernicus program.
July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, the European Union's climate observatory has confirmed.
Marked by heatwaves and fires all around the world, July 2023 was 0.33 degrees Celsius higher than the record set in July 2019 when the average temperature was 16.63C, it said.
"The month was 0.72C warmer than the 1991-2020 average for July," it said.
#heatwave #ClimateChange #copernicus #EU
#Juli 2023 heißester je gemessener Monat
Noch nie war die Durchschnittstemperatur in einem Monat so hoch wie im Juli 2023. Der Wert dürfte der höchste seit Tausenden Jahren sein, so der #EU-Klimawandeldienst #Copernicus.
#klimawandel #copernicus #eu #juli
Copernicus-Daten: Juli war heißester je gemessener Monat
Deutschland erlebt im Moment einen eher durchschnittlichen Sommer, doch weltweit war es noch nie seit Messbeginn so heiß wie im Juli. Sowohl an Land als auch in den Ozeanen registrierte das Erdbeobachtungsprogramm Copernicus Rekordwerte.
#wetter #copernicus #juli #klimawandel
#Environnement : on vous présente #Copernicus, le programme européen devenu une référence pour l'observation de la #Terre. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/environnement/crise-climatique/environnement-on-vous-presente-copernicus-le-programme-europeen-devenu-une-reference-pour-l-observation-de-la-terre_5943824.html
#environnement #copernicus #terre
Do you remember the Brunt iceshelf that broke out in January 2023?
I checked where this 1500 km2 iceberg is for now.
I used #Copernicus #Sentinel1 images to follow it on its journey.
The last image on which it is visible is dated April 13. No other orbital track allow to observe it anymore with Sentinel1.
So, I checked for #SAOCOM data and found two additional images acquired in May 5 an 21.
But since then, it seems that A81 iceberg is out of sight from any #SAR satellite.
So... Good by A81
#copernicus #Sentinel1 #saocom #sar
WOW, habt Ihr schon einmal in das Auge eines Taifuns geblickt?
🔵 Eye of Typhoon Khanum🌀 near Okinawa, #Japan🇯🇵 - 2 August 2023 #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-2🛰️ Full-size ▶️ https://flic.kr/p/2oTifo7 #RemoteSensing #OpenData #SciComm #Khanum #TyphoonKhanum Image is about 78 kilometers wide.
(Quelle: https://twitter.com/Pierre_Markuse/status/1686718883137302528)
#typhoonkhanum #khanum #scicomm #opendata #remotesensing #sentinel #copernicus #japan
Emergency Management Service - Mapping