What if your #readline shipped with Copilot?
I'm still not sure if this is something I need or not, but I got Microsoft's CodexCLI working (again), just so I could show it off.
This is how I want github #copilot CLI to integrate.
I *do* like the explanations the current Copilot CLI gives, but I want this in the readline because I want to be able to edit the command I get back.
#PowerShell #Bash #Zsh #PSReadline
P.S. My working fork is at https://github.com/Jaykul/ReadlineAI
#readline #copilot #powershell #bash #zsh #psreadline
This is absolutely gross.
https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2023/09/07/copilot-copyright-commitment-ai-legal-concerns/ They even admit that they *know* that it infringes:
"... to reduce the likelihood that Copilots return infringing content"
Hosting Veridian Expanse's code there was a mistake. I have to figure out what to do with 15 years of other projects too. -_-
Microsoft President Brad Smith tells users of #Copilot - that's all their #AI #chatbot enhanced products - that #Microsoft will defend them against copyright lawsuits.
That is, if they're using the _paid_ version of Copilot. Folks using the free versions of #Bing Chat etc are on their own...
#copilot #ai #chatbot #microsoft #bing
‼️ “Specifically, if a third party sues a commercial customer for copyright infringement for using Microsoft’s Copilots or the output they generate, we will defend the customer and pay the amount of any adverse judgments or settlements that result from the lawsuit, as long as the customer used the guardrails and content filters we have built into our products.” #Copilot #Microsoft
Abbiamo riassunto in un piccolo thread pregi e rischi connessi a #GitHub #Copilot, e la ragione per cui non li usiamo. I post sono stati scritti direttamente dal nostro @micia, prontamente acchiappato mentre usciva impunemente dal suo ufficio per bersi un caffè.
Se volete contribuire alla sua dose quotidiana di caffeina, potete farlo qui: https://ko-fi.com/1414codeforge
il thread: https://mastodon.uno/@1414codeforge/111018493821981796
#github #copilot #programmazione #programming
Dnes mi končí trial verze #AI doplňovátka kódu #Tabnine. Github #Copilot jsem zkoušel předtím. Teď se rozhoduju, kterému dát přednost v ročním předplatné.
Tabnine stojí $144 ročně, Copilot $100 ročně. Copilot mi přišel lepší, co se generování kódu týče, ale v něm jsem zkoušel Javu, v Tabnine Kotlin. Tabnine ale od začátku umí offline mód, zatímco u Copilota moc ne. To poslední je asi rozhodující pro výběr, protože firemní politika nedovoluje sdílet code snippety třetí straně někam ven.
「 #Windows11 #23H2 : 上位 3 つの新機能 」: BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
Windows #copilot PC に統合された AI アシスタント
最新化されたファイル エクスプローラー エクスペリエンス
#windows11 #23h2 #copilot #prattohome #bleepingcomputer
How to use #GitHub #Copilot: Prompts, tips, and use cases https://github.blog/2023-06-20-how-to-write-better-prompts-for-github-copilot/
@rust_discussions Great article. 👍
Except for the #AI #Copilot advertisment at the end.
"If you’re ready to begin your coding journey with Rust, #GitHub Copilot can jumpstart your progress—all without the need to study documentation for hours at a time."
This statement is actually harmful to learning #Rust! If you need one thing to learn it, then it's this:
_Learn The Fundamentals_ of the language!
@github Please rephrase that, if you want more Rust adoption. 🙏
#AI #copilot #GitHub #Rust #rustlang #learning #salami
Soon, it will have enough input from copilot, to replace users with "full pilot".
#Github #copilot #AI #artificialIntelligence #programming #development
#github #copilot #ai #artificialintelligence #programming #development
Hab heute erst mal #copilot deaktiviert nachdem ich gelesen habe, dass damit ja auch dem Arbeitgeber Tür und Tor für Überwachung geöffnet ist. Ob das tatsächlich geht und/oder es auch genutzt wird....ich möchte es auf jeden Fall nicht herausfinden. Spätestens wenn der erste kommt mit "Hey du nutzt ja deine Lizenz gar nicht mehr" weiß ich Bescheid.
:press: Google Duet AI ora è disponibile per i clienti aziendali di Google Workspace .
Google ha compiuto un significativo passo nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale con il lancio di Duet AI, ora accessibile a un pubblico più ampio. L’azienda ha annunciato martedì al Google Next che Duet AI, il suo assistente IA, è ....
Puoi leggere il resto dell'articolo senza ads qui
👉 https://gomoot.com/google-duet-ai-ora-e-disponibile-per-i-clienti-aziendali-di-google-workspace/
#googleworkspace #workspace #duetai #copilot #microsoft #docs
#GoogleWorkspace #workspace #duetai #copilot #microsoft #docs
Github's #copilot is usually pretty quiet early in a coding session (not much data to learn from) but after a few beers it really comes out swinging with wild ass suggestions.
So I am checking an assignment that is going to be deployed at the end of next week. I am writing the LaTeX backup in Visual Studio Code with Github Copilot sitting there.
It has started to freak me out that its completing the solutions by itself. Not sure if I am more freaked out that it is completing them or that somewhere out there a copy of these questions exists after spending so long (and having some translated from Indonesian) to find them.
Having said that, it got the last three incorrect...
I wanted to delete Twitter but Microsoft Copilot blocked me.🚫
Since Twitter as a service doesn't exist anymore, I figured it was time to delete it from our #PowerApps based CRM system's contact record fields. Except I couldn't.
Seems like #Microsoft has rolled out #Copilot related solution components to all #PowerPlatform environments, not just the US. Unfortunately there's a bug that creates dependencies to your searchable custom columns.
Read more on LI: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jukkaniiranen_powerapps-powerplatform-copilot-activity-7102537909034991616-uuRR
#PowerPlatform #copilot #Microsoft #PowerApps