Philosophical reflection of the day:
// how are we feeling if we're not feeling good?
// how do we know if we're not feeling good?
// what does it mean to feel good?
// what does it mean to feel bad?
// what does it mean to feel?
// what does it mean to be?
// what does it mean?
// what does it?
// what?
// ?
#github #copilotx #generativeai
I recently created a ⚙️ #Rust version of shufflr with the help of #github #copilotx Chech crate 🦀 and source code 🐙
Now that #googlebard announced #copilotx and #codewhisperer's features of debugging and explaining code it makes me wonder how much more data Google would have had if they hadn't shut down Google Code in 2015. The lackluster adoption could have been fixed with DevRel.
#codewhisperer #copilotx #googlebard
First thing I'm going to ask #CopilotX is to rewrite Rails in LISP and see what happens.
(I mean I'm kidding but... am I?)
Yesterday I presented at the "Modern Frontend" Meetup in Microsoft Berlin about #AI, #LLMs and what #ChatGPT means for developers, showing off a lot of #Github #COPILOTx features. Here's my edited recording.
#copilotx #github #chatgpt #llms #ai
Alright, I got access to #COPILOTx and the first thing is Copilot CLI, which adds explanations and code completion to the terminal.
You can type ?? and the task to do and it creates the bash code for you with explanations what it does.
In this videos I ask it to write code for the tasks "find all video files in the folder, convert them to mp4 and resize them to 640px" and "find all files bigger than 500mb and copy them to a folder called huge"
Fellow developers, your job isn't going to be taken by AI, but it could be taken by a competitor of yours who will learn to use this tool to improve their productivity.
After taking the premium for this, I tried ChatGPT 4 last week and was amazed to see how it can fill in the blanks while working. I used to do it on Google and find the correct answer after browsing through dozens of wrong ones. But with this, I can set the context to be "Drupal 10" and all the suggestions and code it produces accordingly.
I may have written an amount of code in one day, which I usually do in a whole week -- and it was addictive to chat with an AI model and work in a direction for hours without losing the context.
I asked myself, "why would someone hire me and not someone else with a similar experience and who knows how to use it?"
I understood the need to know it, and I am starting to use it regularly for REGEX, open source code reading and understanding, refactoring of code, unit test and Behat test etc., and saving a few hours every day now. After years of practising manual work, they all feel like magic when done with ML's help.
It could be something else and not ChatGPT, e.g. CopilotX, but ML-based tools are changing the game, and we developers should also take the best advantage it brings.
Let's learn, adapt and evolve; that's the only way!
#Coding #AI #ML #ChatGPT4 #CopilotX #Job #Career #Productivity #Developer #SoftwareEngineering
Originally posted at
#coding #AI #ml #chatgpt4 #copilotx #job #career #productivity #developer #softwareengineering
GitHub推出Copilot X 加入GPT-4功能 開發者可直接語音編程
#國際新聞 #CopilotX #GitHub #GPT-4 #IT #微軟
#國際新聞 #copilotx #github #gpt #it #微軟
Here is an early preview of the new Exception Helper functionality coming soon to GitHub #Copilot in #visualstudio :visualstudio: #copilotx
For more information and preview sign-up details see
#Copilot #visualstudio #copilotx
Вийшла оновлена версія #CopilotX на #GPT4
Copilot X розпізнає та пояснює код, також має чат та можливість голосового набору.
Такий помічник аналізуватиме код на наявність вразливостей, пояснюватиме блоки старого коду, допомагатиме у переписуванні тощо.
Copilot Chat sera disponible dans Visual Studio et VS Code, permettant aux développeurs de poser des questions et d'obtenir des réponses contextuelles. #GitHub #CopilotX #AIprogramming
#github #copilotx #aiprogramming
Wow! Exciting news for our coding community! Looks as if GitHub has merged GPT-4 and CodeX! Check out the preview of Copilot X at #GitHub #AIprogramming #CodeX #GPT4 #CopilotX.
#github #aiprogramming #codex #gpt4 #copilotx
"Introducing our vision for the future of AI-powered software development with GitHub Copilot"
#Microsoft's #GitHub created one of the first widely deployed programs using #OpenAI's language-generation tools -- an app called #Copilot that helped software developers write computer code. Now GitHub is adding #CopilotX a chat and voice feature that will let programmers ask how to accomplish certain coding tasks
#microsoft #github #openai #Copilot #copilotx
🚀 GitHub upping it's game with GitHub Copilot X 🔥
💪 Another step forward in a world where collaborating with AI will be more and more important
#️⃣ #Developer #GitHub #Copilot #CopilotX
#developer #github #Copilot #copilotx