LibertyForward1 · @LibertyForward1
2736 followers · 29290 posts · Server

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a godsend for folks with personality disorders, and I really think just about anyone - mentally ill or not - could benefit from its concepts.

As someone who simultaneously struggles with Borderline Personality Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder /#ADHD, being able to consistently implement and maintain the principles of DBT feels like a monumental and discouraging challenge, not the least of which is the cost of attending traditional when my partner and I are struggling just to survive. And in order to become stable enough to survive, we need to develop the taught in DBT.. but we can't afford it!

My ADHD augments my BPD, leaving me with zero self-discipline. For example, I've dabbled with Duolingo and have a 42 day streak going, it's probably the longest amount of time I've maintained a healthy habit in my entire life. I need help to focus and I'm tired of being ashamed to say so.

I realize people need to be compensated for their pioneering work in behavioral therapy; but I wonder if there's some way to "open source" the teaching and practicing of DBT for people like me who otherwise couldn't afford it, and will *never* be able to afford it without the skills therein!

At this point I'm essentially self-medicating with cannabis most of my waking hours to cope with.. well, the shitshow that is my personal life with mental illness and the burning shitshow that is the world. I can't afford to do that long-term.

I truly, honestly believe DBT is a miracle but we need a way to share the knowledge as a matter of improving overall humanity.

Thoughts? Ideas? Slipped into a coma trying to finish this? I understand.

#dbt #bpd #add #therapy #copingskills

Last updated 1 year ago

𝐅𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐨 · @fumio
58 followers · 173 posts · Server

“Emotionally mature people are self-aware, attuned to their emotions, and know how to manage them … [they] continually work on various emotional and cognitive skills to help them cope with stressful or adverse situations and reach successful resolutions to life's challenges.”

8 Signs of Emotional Maturity

#psychology #emotionalmaturity #emotions #copingskills #stress

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
273 followers · 8999 posts · Server
Snooze Button Connoisseur · @bayport
271 followers · 1031 posts · Server

I’m not sure if you ever heard this song over there, but it was a schoolyard hit back in the day here in the US. Now that I’m getting older, I find myself singing it whenever I wish for things that are outside of my control 🥲

#copingskills #iwish #banger #skeelo

Last updated 1 year ago

MJMiello · @MJMiello
18 followers · 84 posts · Server
MJMiello · @MJMiello
18 followers · 81 posts · Server
MJMiello · @MJMiello
18 followers · 79 posts · Server
MJMiello · @MJMiello
18 followers · 68 posts · Server
MJMiello · @MJMiello
14 followers · 61 posts · Server
MunchkinTabaxi · @MunchkinTabaxi
6 followers · 35 posts · Server

I’m going to eventually make a few fingerless hand and arm warmers in my awareness ribbon colors, I’m going shopping for supplies this weekend and I’m going to go nuts. It’s gonna be epic because I won’t need to worry about my battle scars being visible and making me feel bad in public anymore. If anyone has any tips for a beginning crochet person let me know!

#crochet #battlescars #copingskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz · @mistymorningme
723 followers · 1471 posts · Server

My favorite cooking method is "peel corner to vent, heat for 3 to 4 minutes”. 😂

#copingskills #SelfCare

Last updated 2 years ago

MJMiello · @MJMiello
13 followers · 16 posts · Server

The is an eBook by and Michael Miello that outlines key from for and in the face of and unhealthy urges while promoting and .
The described can be used by anyone for , , and increased . This book is avialble free at

#invisibletoolbox #psychologist #writer #ideas #cognitive #behavioral #therapy #coping #resilience #depression #anxiety #growth #selfdevelopment #copingskills #selfcare #selfhelp #selfconfidence #happiness

Last updated 2 years ago

Julia · @Juliasachsse
12 followers · 401 posts · Server

Wenn der Körper schön fertig ist, macht auch der Kopf weniger Blödsinn. Nach 2 solchen Abenden bin ich jetzt ein bisschen platt. Wenn noch jemand Füße in Größe 41 rumstehen hat, die er nicht mehr braucht, gerne her damit.

#copingskills #thatsnotacopingskill

Last updated 2 years ago

Brenda L. Murphy · @brendalmurphyauthor
124 followers · 35 posts · Server

@RachelSpangler I missed this because I was taking a break from social, but I'm a big fan of asking "what?" or "Why would you say such a thing?" along with a lifted eyebrow and the death stare. (I'm a nurse so it's a practiced death stare) Either that or just walk away, without explanation- - I used these two with cousins/extended family growing up. And it's not argumentative to stand up for yourself.

#liberal #mentalhealth #copingskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Bitplumber ✊🏽 · @techweapon
53 followers · 467 posts · Server

Listening to music cheers me up. I have a pro sound system and I enjoy it enthusiastically when it is before 10PM.
Wolfgang Gartner, Battlestations
The Stranglers, Always The Sun
M83, Oblivion
Tom Petty, Runnin' Down A Dream
Beyonce, Cuff It

#sharethemusic #neighbors #mentalhealth #copingskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicklas Johnson 🏳️‍🌈 · @spatula
79 followers · 386 posts · Server

Content Warnings are a nice idea, and using them when you have something you know is likely to make a good portion of the world feel confused or upset is good hygiene.

The flip side is that human beings also need to develop coping skills for content they may personally find distasteful and take some responsibility for their own experience and their own reactions.

Avoidance can make your general worse, not better.

#anxiety #contentwarnings #copingskills #cw

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Spangler · @RachelSpangler
339 followers · 70 posts · Server

Anyone want to share mental health strategies for family members who aren't outright bigoted but just always gotta skirt the line or "just joshing ya" so that if you straight up call it out you look over sensitive or argumentative?

#lgbtq #liberal #mentalhealth #copingskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Stephanie · @StephanieRenee
14 followers · 5 posts · Server

I think we often forget that not everyone was taught resiliency skills and as such they aren't able to tech them to their children.

The amount of times I hear "I never thought of it that way" from clients aged 20-62 in response to small things like speaking in "I statements" is heartbreaking because it means they only learned to place blame (either on themselves or others). It's okay to feel and express how you feel and for that to be no one's fault.

#MentalHeath #copingskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Elle Q. Sabine · @ElleQSabine
4 followers · 3 posts · Server

Normal everyday life stress makes me shake with anxiety. This is why Mr Sabine pays the bills. I can do it and I am completely competent in the workplace, but in a personal dilemma, I am shaking so badly it took me all day to think of a reasonable solution to a stressful situation.

#untreatedanxiety #copingskills

Last updated 2 years ago

Crunch MAP Supreme · @Lo
73 followers · 310 posts · Server