Trying my hand at some charcuterie by making some coppa. I’ll be curing the coppa in the fridge with a dry age steak bag. It worked on YT, so giving it a shot.
I know the Canadian bacon (back bacon) will be fine. The coppa, on the other hand, I’m 50/50. I’ve watched enough YouTubers to know how to do it, so it should be fine.
#pork #charcuterie #bacon #coppa #capocollo #bacon
#pork #charcuterie #bacon #coppa #capocollo
Amd no, "#unsubscribing" only confirms it as real amd one.gets spammed form 5+ others in retaliation vecause there is no #Provacy or #DataProtection law in the #USA. (#COPPA doesn't count because it's a legal figleaf noone complies with!)
#coppa #USA #dataprotection #provacy #unsubscribing
From 23 Aug: YouTube may face billions in fines if FTC confirms child privacy violations - EnlargeSOPA Images / Contributor LightRocket Four nonprofit groups seeking to... #behavioral-advertising #child-safety #coppa #data-privacy #facebook #federal-trade-commission #ftc #google #online-advertising #policy #youtube
#youtube #policy #online #google #ftc #federal #facebook #data #coppa #child #behavioral
#YouTube may face billions in fines if #FTC confirms child #privacy violations
#YouTube Improperly Used #Targeted Ads on Children’s Videos, #Watchdogs Say
One of the groups said it had used Google’s tools to run a targeted ad campaign this month on children’s channels. #Google has said it did not allow such ads on videos made for children.
#privacy #advertising #coppa #ftc #children
#children #ftc #coppa #advertising #privacy #Google #watchdogs #targeted #youtube
#YouTube may face billions in fines if #FTC confirms child #privacy violations | Ars Technica
Child groups asked the FTC to investigate YouTube ad placements on kids' videos.
#childprivacy #coppa #advertising
#advertising #coppa #childprivacy #privacy #ftc #youtube
Ars Technica: YouTube may face billions in fines if FTC confirms child privacy violations #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #federaltradecommission #Behavioraladvertising #onlineadvertising #childsafety #dataprivacy #Facebook #YouTube #Google #Policy #google #COPPA #FTC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #FederalTradeCommission #behavioraladvertising #OnlineAdvertising #childsafety #dataprivacy #facebook #youtube #google #policy #coppa #FTC
"Google and YouTube permit and report on behavioral ad targeting on 'made-for-kids' videos, even though neither should be possible under COPPA."
#Google #YouTube #FTC #Privacy #COPPA #technology #BigTech #BadTech
#google #youtube #ftc #privacy #coppa #technology #bigtech #badtech
#YouTube #Ads May Have Led to Online #Tracking of #Children, Research Says
New research from Adalytics, which analyzes #adcampaigns found tech companies could have tracked #kids across internet, raising concerns about whether they were undercutting a federal #privacy law, the report said. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, or #COPPA, requires children's online services to obtain parental consent before collecting personal data from users under age 13.
#youtube #ads #tracking #children #adcampaigns #kids #privacy #coppa
Responsible #digital companies carefully follow federal #privacy laws like #COPPA to protect children's #DataPrivacy online, which includes no targeted advertising, minimized data collection, & the legitimate use of cookies. A company’s practice of not signaling to 3rd parties that a user watched certain content is privacy protective. Companies like Google work hard to protect users by minimizing data shared with other sites - especially when it concerns the privacy & anonymity of younger users.
#digital #Privacy #coppa #dataprivacy
YouTube Ads May Have Led to Online Tracking of Children, Research Says - YouTube’s advertising practices on kids’ channels could have resulted in companies tracki... - #childrensonlineprivacyprotectionact #onlineadvertising #childrensprivacy #adalytics #youtube #privacy #google #coppa
#coppa #google #privacy #youtube #adalytics #childrensprivacy #onlineadvertising #childrensonlineprivacyprotectionact
#大人なら童謡を守ろう #童謡文化を殺すな #YouTubeキッズ #youtubekids #coppa
It has been suggested that the #COPPA 2.0 bill might also be relevant. Having also been introduced in a recent committee meeting, this bill is as far from being made into law as #KOSA is.
The current belief of mine and people I've talked to is that #Habitica is using the "laws" as a scapegoat to prevent being criticized for their bad decision and lack of planning.
If you'd like to read more about the bill, check out
#coppa #KOSA #habitica #law #News #keeptavernandguilds
#童謡文化を殺すな #大人なら童謡を守ろう #COPPA #YouTubeKids #YouTubeキッズ #キッズモード
#キッズモード #YouTubeキッズ #youtubekids #coppa #大人なら童謡を守ろう #童謡文化を殺すな
Řeším, proč nejde v Google Music ukládat dětské písničky do vlastních playlistů. A důvodem je #COPPA.
Ale i tak, může mi někdo vysvětlit, v čem může být přidání dětské písničky do playlistu nebezpečné pro děti? 🧐
When your version of "let's keep kid's safe" requires more data collection BY THE SAME COMPANIES WHO HAVE ABUSED PRIVACY AND FAILED TO KEEP KIDS SAFE, you aren't protecting kids or improving privacy.
The people pushing the current laws are setting people up for increased surveillance and abuse.
BTW, the same logic holds for why the current crop of "school safety" tools are snake oil.
CCIA President @MSchruers told @axios that #digital bills #KOSA & #COPPA "raise serious First Amendment concerns that will result in the blocking of legitimate speech online."
Check out the full story:
#Senate panel advances bills to #childproof the internet - The Verge
Critics say there are still problems to work out before they’re ever made law.
#kosa #coppa #privacy #socialmedia
#socialmedia #privacy #coppa #kosa #childproof #senate
Amazon agrees to $25 million fine for Alexa #children #privacy violations.
The charges were brought after #Amazon failed to comply with parents' requests to delete their children's #VoiceRecordings and #geolocation information.
#children #privacy #amazon #voicerecordings #GeoLocation #privacyMatters #coppa #alexa #Echo
Werbefinanzierter Fernseher droht mit 1.000 Dollar Vertragsstrafe
4K-TV mit 55 Zoll Diagonale. Gebührenfrei. Das hat Haken: Dauerhafte Überwachung und laufende Reklame. Und drohende Strafzahlungen.
#4K #COPPA #Datenschutz #Fernseher #Jugendliche #Kinder #Sprachverarbeitung #TV #Telly #USA #Unterhaltung #Verbraucherschutz #Vertragsstrafe #Werbung #werbefinanziert #Überwachungskapitalismus
#verpasstodon #4k #coppa #datenschutz #fernseher #jugendliche #kinder #sprachverarbeitung #tv #telly #usa #unterhaltung #verbraucherschutz #vertragsstrafe #werbung #werbefinanziert #uberwachungskapitalismus