@BardfromtheBookshop so, of these, the only things to germinate have been two out of twenty American walnuts. Next time, I am putting the potted up nuts in mouse-proof boxes. 0/20 for hazelnuts and chestnut germination is very disappointing #hazel #chestnut #reforesting #coppicing
#hazel #chestnut #reforesting #coppicing
@light_bulbs This is a pleasant read. Thank you for sharing. #Coppicing, #Hazelnut, #Sustainability, #ForestGarden
#coppicing #hazelnut #sustainability #forestgarden
> #台伐り #萌芽
> #萌芽更新 のうち、地上1m以上比較的高い位置で伐採や剪定を行い、萌芽を発生させて更新するものは、特に頭木更新や台株更新と呼ばれることもある。そのような更新で樹木上部に発生した萌芽は#台伐り萌芽(英語:pollard)と呼ばれる
> 歌山県南部では、備長炭生産のための原料としてウバメガシ林が確保されたが、これが萌芽更新で維持されていた。この伐採の際、必ず鉈を使い、またある程度高いところから切る習わしがあった。これは、低いところをノコギリで切ると、萌芽の数が多くなり、個々の枝が弱くなるためであったらしい[要出典]。現在ではすべてチェーンソーを使っているようで、今後のことが心配されるとする向きもある。
> https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%90%8C%E8%8A%BD%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0
#Pollarding #Coppicing #SustainableForestry #LiveWithTrees
#livewithtrees #sustainableforestry #coppicing #pollarding #台伐り萌芽 #萌芽更新 #萌芽 #台伐り
> #台伐り #萌芽
> #萌芽更新 のうち、地上1m以上比較的高い位置で伐採や剪定を行い、萌芽を発生させて更新するものは、特に頭木更新や台株更新と呼ばれることもある。そのような更新で樹木上部に発生した萌芽は#台伐り萌芽(英語:pollard)と呼ばれる
> 歌山県南部では、備長炭生産のための原料としてウバメガシ林が確保されたが、これが萌芽更新で維持されていた。この伐採の際、必ず鉈を使い、またある程度高いところから切る習わしがあった。これは、低いところをノコギリで切ると、萌芽の数が多くなり、個々の枝が弱くなるためであったらしい[要出典]。現在ではすべてチェーンソーを使っているようで、今後のことが心配されるとする向きもある。
> https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%90%8C%E8%8A%BD%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0
#Pollarding #Coppicing #SustainableForestry #LiveWithTrees
#livewithtrees #sustainableforestry #coppicing #pollarding #台伐り萌芽 #萌芽更新 #萌芽 #台伐り
> #coppicing, #pollarding, and #daisugi
- https://sustainingourworld.com/2020/08/27/sustainable-forestry-practices-that-dont-kill-trees/
#SustainableForestry #ForestryTechniques
#ヒコバエ #ひこばえ #蘖
#蘖 #ひこばえ #ヒコバエ #forestrytechniques #sustainableforestry #daisugi #pollarding #coppicing
> #coppicing, #pollarding, and #daisugi
- https://sustainingourworld.com/2020/08/27/sustainable-forestry-practices-that-dont-kill-trees/
#SustainableForestry #ForestryTechniques
#ヒコバエ #ひこばえ #蘖
#蘖 #ひこばえ #ヒコバエ #forestrytechniques #sustainableforestry #daisugi #pollarding #coppicing
@atriverside i absolutely LOVE this article. Thank you so much for sharing it. This kind of #HistoricalEcology is just so wonderful - so important to really see, understand and hopefully revive all those cultural landscapes around us, #Coppicing, #Basketry #Wetlands and all
#historicalecology #coppicing #basketry #wetlands
Great paper, thanks for [re]posting. Presently working towards putting something on-line about about my own involvement with A. dealbata.
Several changes of mind, but I've so far remained staunchly no-herbicide - at least not mechanical spraying or bulk application. Also found prolific A. dealbata fast-decaying leaf-litter and #biomass is a strong crop growth promotor, soil conditioner. #Coppicing for this inhibits flowering and seed-propagation. Also potential for material harvested for invasion-control purposes to be used as #bio-fuel.
Been soaking up the nostalgia over the holidays watching Jack Hargreaves in episodes from Old Country a 80's TV series I grew up watching. Jack covered many aspects of country living in southern England and his youth from #coppicing, #butterfly #conservation, #fishing to barrel making.
A box set dvd of the series was given to me by my wife as a present.
A taste of the content is on the tube https://youtu.be/egVfxSkjWaE
#coppicing #butterfly #conservation #fishing
@mikebrunt love your woven #willow bed. I’ve started doing this in my #garden, including my #worm #compost bed. Still getting the hang of it. Interested in growing large amounts of willow and #DogwoodOsier and want to learn good #coppicing techniques.
#coppicing #dogwoodosier #compost #worm #garden #willow
- #Bee Hero raises $42m for #hive #health
- #Dexter #cattle for the #homestead
- 🎧 #Permaculture #Podcast №619, #BiophilicDesign
- #Monoculture vs. multi-species #pasture
- How to #pollard or #coppice a #tree
- What is #coppicing?
- Drying #firewood
- Permaculture legend's institute in jeopardy
- 🎧 #FoodForests yield huge amounts of #food
- #Tips for #growing #allium, #tomatoes, #morel #mushrooms
These & more at:
#garden #homesteading #bee #hive #health #dexter #cattle #homestead #permaculture #Podcast #biophilicdesign #monoculture #pasture #pollard #coppice #tree #coppicing #firewood #foodforests #food #tips #growing #allium #tomatoes #morel #mushrooms #root #Veggies
I am cracking on with #coppicing the wildest bit of the plot. Leaving this until next summer though, covered in #ivy . This is a very important winter food source for so many things. I have identified the trees that are definitely staying up. Work now is thinning out the rest and then, hopefully, planting #chestnut #hazel and #walnut in a year or two (they need to germinate, then get big enough to resist squirrels!)
#coppicing #ivy #chestnut #hazel #walnut
#instagram #tip
spotted sommat rather sweet & thought i'd share.
my insta has been full of #mentalhealth & #somatics in recent years. it's been helpful, but now i'm regrowing, reentering the world with a new life direction.
i started following #woodcrafts people, beautiful #spooncarving & #coppicing folk. now my search page is *full* of suggested beautiful, inspirational woodcraft images, instead of reminders of how broken i have been/the world is.
it's a little thing, & such a healthy thing! 🧡
#coppicing #spooncarving #woodcrafts #somatics #mentalhealth #tip #instagram
Maen hawdd i gweld coeden yn gael ei torri ac meddwl ei bod hi'n wedi gael ei lladd, ond yn miss tachwedd mae'r tymor copis yn dechrau, ac yn y flwyddyn nesaf bydd nin weld y coed yma tyfy nifer o drwnciau newydd yn y gwanwyn.
Its easy to see a tree being cut and to think its been killed but in november coppice season starts, and next spring we'll see these trees regrow multiple new trunks.
#Wood #Coppicing #HandTools #Sustainable #Felling #FireWood #Timber
#timber #firewood #felling #sustainable #handtools #coppicing #wood
anyone here #coppicing or #greenwoodworking?
i'm based in #SouthWestWales retraining in #woodlandsmanagement (from a long history of #creativedigitalculture) so am especially keen to find my nerdy local #treefolk <3
i'm also #neuroqueer - #autistic #adhd #cptsd #queer #gendernonconforming #sober and #unlearning societal 'norms' (ugh) so i can be the human i want and need to be, and can play my part in the #movements making the world safe, welcoming and joyful for everyone.
#introduction #movements #Unlearning #sober #gendernonconforming #queer #cptsd #adhd #autistic #neuroqueer #treefolk #creativedigitalculture #woodlandsmanagement #SouthWestWales #greenwoodworking #coppicing
First day of trying to be an arborist. Started on some #coppicing experiments. The trees were pretty dead so not sure how well these will turn out. Anyone have suggestions on tree pruning/woodland management? #florespondence