#Cops Get #SUED After INSANE #trafficStop
#police #ACAB #FTP #4thamendment #suspects #brutality #california
#cops #sued #trafficstop #police #acab #ftp #4thamendment #suspects #brutality #california
#Jan6 rioter who bear-sprayed #cops gets 6-year sentence
This fugitive saga must be so embarrassing for the various law enforcement agencies and police forces involved: Escaped murderer on the run in Pennsylvania has changed appearance and slipped out of search areas - Ten days and the authorities have not caught him. Is the guy that good? Or are the cops that bad? Here in #SouthernOregon the #Ashland police department still has not identified or detained the killer of a young man who was beheaded with a samurai sword in broad daylight in the city limits. That happened about ten years ago. Cops are good a showing up, and sometimes that’s good enough. But in many cases, what happens after they show up is no so good, effective or competent. #policing #Cops #LawEnforcement #Fail https://apnews.com/article/a729fb5d39251c2c1c336513e9f5a324
#southernoregon #ashland #policing #cops #lawenforcement #fail
#Cops are trying to look busy #trafficstops #fabricated
#cops #trafficstops #fabricated
Today in Labor History September 9, 1919: Boston police walked off the job during the strike wave that was spreading across the country. The police had affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, prompting the police commissioner to suspend 19 of them for their organizing efforts, and prompting other cops to go on strike. Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge announced that none of the strikers would be rehired and he called in the state police to crush the strike. However, over half of them showed solidarity and refused to work. Coolidge then mustered the state militia and created an entirely new police force made up of unemployed World War I veterans, and Harvard students. The poorly trained “cops” killed 9 people during the strike. But all the blame was placed on the strikers. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson called their strike a crime against civilization. AFL President Samuel Gompers urged the cops, whom he represented, to return to work. The press attacked the striking cops as Bolsheviks. The NY Times wrote: “A policeman has no more right to belong to a union than a soldier or a sailor. He must be ready to obey orders, the orders of his superiors, not those of any outside body. One of his duties is the maintenance of order in the case of strike violence. In such a case, if he is faithful to his union, he may have to be unfaithful to the public, which pays him to protect it.” And ever since, the cops and their “unions” (professional association might be a more appropriate term) have overwhelmingly followed the NYT advice, rarely striking themselves (~25 in the U.S. over the past 100 years) and eagerly attacking other working class people who are on strike.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #union #strike #police #cops #bolshevik #ww1 #NYTimes
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #police #cops #bolshevik #ww1 #nytimes
Ob unerlaubt auf dem Gehweg, auf der falschen Straßenseite, mit Handy am Ohr oder bei Ampelverstößen – die Rad-#Cops sind zur Stelle und zücken den Bußgeldkatalog – die Landeskasse freut sich.
#diefahrradcops #cops #jwnachschlag
@gwynnion Functionally, they should be thought of as paper-pushers; not superheroes-as-a-service
@jakob_thoboell @GoingNuts @Korallenherz
Was @AufstandLastGen und auch Sie nicht kapieren:
Mit #Cops redet Mensch nur dann, wenn es rechtlich notwendig ist.
#NotLegalAdvice aber jede*r Anwält*in wird einem dazu raten:
#STFU gilt nicht nur am #STFUfriday!
#STFUfriday #stfu #notlegaladvice #cops
@jakob_thoboell @GoingNuts @Korallenherz @AufstandLastGen
Ist aber so...
Erst auf #Cops #kuschen machen und dann #Mimimi...
@AufstandLastGen Oh, jetzt auf einmal sind die #Cops doch nicht so kuschelbar?
Hat lang gedauert...
#Delaware #cops tore up a protester's sign and issued him a fraudulent ticket. Now they ... er, that is, the taxpayers ... owe $50K. https://reason.com/2023/09/05/police-tore-up-his-protest-sign-now-they-owe-him-50000/
#Cops are already targeting #activists wanting to ‘stop the arms fair’ at #DSEI
I used to own a Nissan Exa Sportback n13, pity #vehicles of the 21st century have become a #privacy risk... but they've always been a pollution risk and some models of car a death trap for its drivers.
#Cctv is everywhere and #cops will even bug your home if they suspect anything about you.
#vehicles #privacy #cctv #cops
Here's more art of #TrophyWitchMercy, one of my #Beastiverse OCs. This #MILF version of #MercyButterfield married rich, and now she's the spoiled wife of the commissioner of the local Justices (magic #cops). She likes to invest her heaps of money into condescending programs to "help" #beastmen. (Mercy likes to "help" with her pussy, rather than doing anything meaningful.)
• Art by @Chocoboassassin
• Info & #porn art: https://ezmccain.miraheze.org/wiki/Beastiverse_Primer
#trophywitchmercy #Beastiverse #milf #mercybutterfield #cops #beastmen #porn #hentai #erotica #anthro #tease #cumshot #bukkake
I'm watching the TV show #LadyBoys and I love it. Some of it brings a tear to my eyes but a lot of it is inspiring. They have it so hard with the #cops in Pattaya 😢😣😠 (I took the pics from the show itself)
#LGBTQIA #SayGay #LoveIsLove #TransIsBeautiful #protecttranskids
#ProtectTransKids #transisbeautiful #LoveIsLove #saygay #LGBTQIA #cops #ladyboys
7 months after the #shooting, investigators interviewed the #NYPD officers who shot their weapons.
But investigators did NOT challenge those #officers when their accounts differed from what was captured on video, according to recordings obtained by ProPublica.
#Police #FriendlyFire #TheBronx #NYC #News #BodyCam #Cops #CivilRights #CriminalJustice
#Shooting #NYPD #officers #Police #friendlyfire #thebronx #nyc #News #bodycam #cops #civilrights #criminaljustice
Part 4 of the Fascism Watch catch-up edition is on policing, why I do not believe policing as we know it in the United States can be reformed. I explain why I think it should be torn down, as many functions handed off to other non-police agencies as possible, and then rebuilt from the ground up.
#fascism #police #cops #policeviolence #policereform
A Police officer from the 'burbs
Stopped a car for gross exaggeration
What he found was quite a shock
An 18-month-old needing revivial
For his life, he went a step further
Saved his life despite the pressure
#hero #cops #detroit #saveslife #poetry
The accident took place near the T2 tunnel at Marog area along the Jammu-Srinagar national highway, the official said
#Cops #RoadAccident #J&K #Ramban
#cops #roadaccident #j #ramban
Does The Video Show It? | Tag Light Traffic Stop
#trafficstop #police #ACAB #4thAmendment #cops #FTP #florida #policestate
#trafficstop #police #acab #4thamendment #cops #ftp #florida #policestate