@chaz When there was not a lot of free/libre "copyleft" software around it perhaps made some sense to have software from corporations channelled in to the "commons". But now with the commons channelling software into the corporate, and the corporate getting a free/cheap labour force, some thought at least is being given to how the commons deals with all of this, including discussion of a new idea of #copyfarleft. These are ideas that will need some serious discussion and debate.
@chaz Another concept that is beginning to be discussed is #copyfarleft
There's some discussion of these types of licenses here:
Hey #LibreSource / #OpenSource / #Leftist / #Cooperativist fediverse,
Here is a small repo (self promo) linking you both via #Copyfarleft / #Copyfair:
#libresource #opensource #leftist #cooperativist #copyfarleft #copyfair
Wow, I didn't know that @OSEcology is so critical re the Peer Production Licence / #Copyfarleft and honestly, it doesn't make sense to me. @Commons_Trans @P2P_Foundation @davidbollier
(...dann wärs wohl nicht "Open Source", aber das ist nicht mein Punkt)
Auch nicht genau was du beschreibst, aber vielleicht geht
#Copyfarleft oder #Copyfair in die von dir gedachte Richtung ?!
Copyfarleft is specifically limited to worker-owned entities and cooperatives, which some may find restrictive. So Copyfair addresses more generically the relations between commons communities and the market entities working with them, expecting reciprocity in exchange for commercial rights (note from Michel Bauwens)
"The main argument advanced in the essay is that artists can not earn a living from exclusivity of "intellectual property" and that that neither copyleft licenses like the GPL, nor "copyjustright" frameworks such as the creative commons, can help." ...
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25032406
#CopyFarLeft #copyleft #CreativeCommons #MichelBauwens #AlanToner #p2pFoundation #p2p
#copyfarleft #copyleft #creativecommons #michelbauwens #AlanToner #p2pfoundation #p2p
@emsenn @eliotberriot@mastodon.eliotberriot.com @alcinnz
FYI, though #copyleft is certainly completely #FLO (free/libre/open) and has absolutely no commercial restrictions, the [arguably-misguided] efforts to discriminate against commercial use or commercial use by non-co-ops or similar has, in *some* circles, been referred to as #copyfarleft
I agree, those non-FLO incompatible terms are problematic. I/we support *neither*. But do notice that #CommonsClause and #Copyfarleft are at least different motivations. The former is meant specifically to *encourage* and enable proprietary licensing (while still having FLO something), while the latter is *sometimes* used by those who would like to offer the capitalists nothing at all, not even via a proprietary license.
But either harms the FLO commons we have.
See the P2PF wiki entries on #PPL and #CopyFarLeft for some interesting alternative views on this:
Interesting to note: Kleiner says that CFL isn't intended for software, rather for cultural works:
(That lecture worth watching for an overview of Kleiner's ideas)
There was also some objections to PPL on our Loomio group about the default license for toots on #SocialCoop: