Éditorial de Dogmazic.net de septembre 2023
Bonjour et bienvenue dans cet édito de Dogmazic.net pour septembre 2023. Vous trouverez ici les sorties d'album du mois écoulé, les trésors exhumés de notre archive qui compte plus de 60 000 titres, et les nouvelles de notre for
#Brves #ChroniquesDalbum #dito #VieAssociative #Copyleft #crations #CreativeCommons #culture #dogmazic #ditorial #musique #partager
#partager #musique #ditorial #dogmazic #culture #creativecommons #crations #copyleft #vieassociative #dito #chroniquesdalbum #brves
L'éditorial de linuxmao.org du mois de septembre 2023 est en ligne :
#linuxmao #linuxaudio #mao #musiquelibre #art #artlibre #cc-by-sa #chanson #copyleft #creative-commons #culture-libre #gnu-linux #informatiquemusicale #logiciel libre #productionmusicale
#productionmusicale #logiciel #informatiquemusicale #gnu #culture #creative #copyleft #chanson #cc #artlibre #art #musiquelibre #mao #linuxaudio #linuxmao
And I then found my books on two other #flipbook websites. Reported them and all of them (poss the same company but different responders and domains) deleted the entry rather than change the metadata.
These sites let anyone upload any book they want without question. So they will happily accept a posting which breaches #copyright but they cannot possibly accomodate a #copyleft situation where they are permitted to share the works but need to acknowledge the creator.
Sigh again. #ccbysa
#flipbook #copyright #copyleft #ccbysa
I love #GitHub, but is the fact that it is a proprietry, trade-secret system that goes against Free and Open Source Software (#FOSS) principles an issue? Even if you think not, then surely their unpermitted use of #copyleft code to train for-profit #Copilot is an issue. Really interesting article from @conservancy diving into this issue here: https://sfconservancy.org/GiveUpGitHub/
#copilot #copyleft #FOSS #github
How #Copyleft licenses (like the #GPL) and #LibreSoftware aka #FOSS aka #FreeSoftware can help us all avoid #DigitalColonisation by proprietary US Big Tech & protect our #DigitalSovereignty via the founder of #NextCloud https://video.resolutions.it/w/4d5c5b1d-9613-4201-8d55-9e7906f42518 We need to break the cycle we're currently in. It's expensive, disempowering, & *brittle*. And it's unfit for purpose.
#copyleft #gpl #libresoftware #foss #freesoftware #digitalcolonisation #digitalsovereignty #nextcloud
Thought this was a nice presentation of reciprocal and non-reciprocal open source licenses, and why this is not the most important debate to have about open source licenses right now.
#foss #floss #opensource #freesoftware #libresoftware #ls #copyleft #copyright #softwarelicense
#FOSS #floss #opensource #freesoftware #libresoftware #ls #copyleft #copyright #softwarelicense
I would very much prefer that people who are interested in the social aspects of computer programs just support #freesoftware instead of #opensource. Free Software is political. It activily promotes awareness about these social issues.
Open Source was specifically invented to lose the ideology of Free Software. http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/O/open-source.html
Also with #copyleft (part of the definition of Free Software) there would be no “Paradox” of Open.
Explained by #GNU
#freesoftware #opensource #copyleft #gnu
I understand artists who wouldn't like their art to be shared the same way.
I just don't agree that the process is exploitative in itself.
We need #copyleft art to spread the ideas without being worried that we used a license _wrong_. Every time I tried contacting a magazine publisher / conf organized about drafting a separate contract with an artist living abroad, they decided it's too hard and went for a really bad quality stock / stole some copyrighted art instead.
We've just had a discussion regarding an #art #contest asking for #creativeCommons (CC-BY-SA) licensed works and how it could be exploitative for the #artists
I understand that taking part in such a thing is a risk, since others can use your works even if you don't win, but would you consider taking part in it if CC-licensed entries came with higher rewards?
Thank you for helping me understand artists better and please feel free to elaborate!
#copyleft #copyright #artists #creativecommons #contest #art
@syfershock @EggKnees The very notion of #IntellectualProperty is a fallacious oxymoron (nevermind the additional issue with it not being a distinct thing, but rather a conflation of #copyright and #patents).
Exclusive ownership of a non-tangible thing (or even ownership at all) doesn't make sense.
As for why then do #FreeSoftware licenses (as #copyleft) rely on copyright to ensure the rights of users? Purely as a clever (vaguely effective) hack on our broken legal systems.
#intellectualproperty #copyright #patents #freesoftware #copyleft
@mjg59 @jenniferplusplus @blogdiva
Do not #Copyleft licences, like #GPLv3, work by ensuring that **any** software that includes the FOSS code be #FOSS also?
What the above describes is #softwareTheft, right?
For example #MastodonDevs by allowing #HellaDoge to not provide source code for years, with a notification of such by us, are allowing software #theft, right?
#copyleft #gplv3 #foss #softwareTheft #MastodonDevs #HellaDoge #theft #AGPLv3Compliance
I'm delighted that software I wrote runs far and wide, but each time someone tells me their employer forbids any contribution back, even on personal time, I see more appeal in Copyleft.
L'éditorial de linuxmao.org du mois d'août 2023 est en ligne :
#linuxmao #linuxaudio #mao #musiquelibre #art #artlibre #cc-by-sa #chanson #copyleft #creative-commons #culture-libre #gnu-linux #informatiquemusicale #logiciel libre #productionmusicale
#productionmusicale #logiciel #informatiquemusicale #gnu #culture #creative #copyleft #chanson #cc #artlibre #art #musiquelibre #mao #linuxaudio #linuxmao
Die freshe Band Polyzeilicher Störfaktor (folk punk) war nach Mitternacht bei uns, um kurz zu schnacken und #livemusic zu spielen. Das Konzert zum nachhören:
Die erste Folge GEMA schlafen. #copyleft #Urheberrecht #folkpunk
#livemusic #copyleft #Urheberrecht #folkpunk
@juliaferraioli +1 and would like to add that #EthicalSource licensing matters too. And that ideological tensions between the permissiveness of some #FreeSoftware licensing and the more opinionated #CopyLeft licensing areas exist.
Myself I am concerned about protective licensing that may be taken as a prefigurative measure against unintended harmful consequences of the use of software. https://firstdonoharm.dev/ was recommended to me, seems quite comprehensive and rigorous, but still researching..
#EthicalSource #freesoftware #copyleft
Really great blog post on #SoftwareFreedom by @ploum:
The title is click-baity and almost misleading but the points are really good.
Ploum argues that #copyleft is actually (or should be) one of the fundamental aspects of #FreeSoftware and suggests expanding the four freedoms by an obligation to keep software free. They draw interesting parallels to #TheCommons in the physical world, emphasizing that they must not be commoditized.
#softwarefreedom #copyleft #freesoftware #thecommons
L'éditorial de linuxmao.org du mois de juillet 2023 est en ligne :
#linuxmao #linuxaudio #mao #musiquelibre #art #artlibre #cc-by-sa #chanson #copyleft #creative-commons #culture-libre #gnu-linux #informatiquemusicale #logiciel libre #productionmusicale
#productionmusicale #logiciel #informatiquemusicale #gnu #culture #creative #copyleft #chanson #cc #artlibre #art #musiquelibre #mao #linuxaudio #linuxmao
If the FSF were more active / still relevant, and they were making a successor to the #AGPLv3 to cover new additional threats to #FreeSoftware and the four freedoms, such as LLMs slurping up #copyleft code without releasing the result under copyleft, what new clauses should be in the new license? If you were writing a new version of the #AGPL, what threats would you guard against, using what language?
If the FSF can't get their act together, is there any org that could produce such a license?
#agplv3 #freesoftware #copyleft #agpl
« Le #Copyleft est une méthode générale pour rendre libre un programme (ou toute autre œuvre) et obliger toutes les versions modifiées ou étendues de ce programme à être libres également. »
➜ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.fr.html
➜ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft