@ppatel is in line woth other juristictions:
Whilst #Germany doesn't require any registration for something to have #Copyright, only natural persons can create #copyrightable material.
A program like #StableDiffusion does not have personhood, thus cannot create "#art" that has any protections whatsoever.
#Art #stablediffusion #copyrightable #Copyright #Germany
@hugh The funny part is that #AI can't creat #copyrightable contents per very concept!
#Copyright-able contents can only be created by natural #persons and only held by natural persons and legal entities, which a #Software can't be!
#NotLegalAdvice but I've yet to find any actual lawyer that disagrees on this.
#notlegaladvice #Software #persons #Copyright #copyrightable #AI
@tiffanycli @harikunzru As much as people hate it:
#AI #scraping doesn't violate #copyright nor can an #AI create #copyrightable material since it lacks #personhood.
#Personhood #copyrightable #Copyright #scraping #AI