Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise
#NYPost #TrumpMugshot #CopyrightLaw #Merchandise #Violation #News #Politics #News
#nypost #trumpmugshot #copyrightlaw #merchandise #violation #news #politics
Trump has raised millions with his mug shot. Legal experts say it could be a big mistake
#TrumpMugshot #LegalExperts #CopyrightLaw #Mistake #NewsSourceName #MillionsRaised #Politics #News
#trumpmugshot #legalexperts #copyrightlaw #mistake #newssourcename #millionsraised #politics #news
⚠️ If you have opinions about A.I. and copyright, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SPEAK.
🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖
#USA #USAlegal #USlegal #USAgovernment #USgovernment #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #CopyrightLaw #Copyright
#usa #usalegal #uslegal #usagovernment #usgovernment #ai #artificialintelligence #copyrightlaw #copyright
Ars Technica: OpenAI disputes authors’ claims that every ChatGPT response is a derivative work #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ArtificialIntelligence #copyrightinfringement #largelanguagemodels #copyrightlaw #generativeai #copyright #chatbots #ChatGPT #Policy #openai #DMCA #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #artificialintelligence #copyrightinfringement #largelanguagemodels #copyrightlaw #generativeAI #copyright #Chatbots #chatgpt #policy #openai #dmca #ai
OpenAI disputes authors’ claims that every ChatGPT response is a derivative work - Enlarge / Sarah Silverman attends The Bedwetter book signing at the Bar... - #artificialintelligence #copyrightinfringement #largelanguagemodels #copyrightlaw #generativeai #copyright #chatbots #chatgpt #policy #openai #dmca #ai
#ai #dmca #openai #policy #chatgpt #chatbots #copyright #generativeAI #copyrightlaw #largelanguagemodels #copyrightinfringement #artificialintelligence
So... this is happening.
The U.S. Copyright Office is requesting comments on a wide range of #AI and #Copyright related issues. Comments are open until October 18 (or maybe November 15, the page is confusing…)
The cynic in me kind of shrugs, but a chance to comment is a chance to comment, eh?
Instructions at:
Official comment request docket at:
#ArtificialIntelligence #LLM #GenerativeAI #Creativity #Art #CopyrightLaw
#ai #copyright #artificialintelligence #llm #generativeAI #creativity #art #copyrightlaw
Generative AI and intellectual property via Benedict Evans
My opinion is that it seems that #copyrightlaw is on the brink of change, and businesses are adapting to new models as #LLMs use web crawlers to gather information. #AI #GenerativeAI
#copyrightlaw #llms #ai #generativeai
Gizmodo: Judge Rules Wholly AI-Created Art Can't Get Copyright Protections #copyrightlawoftheunitedstates #unitedstatescopyrightoffice #unitedstatescopyrightlaw #intellectualproperty #entertainmentculture #imaginationengines #intangibleassets #stephenthaler #copyrightlaw #berylhowell #copyright
#copyrightlawoftheunitedstates #unitedstatescopyrightoffice #unitedstatescopyrightlaw #intellectualproperty #entertainmentculture #imaginationengines #intangibleassets #stephenthaler #copyrightlaw #berylhowell #copyright
I feel like the copyright talk is quite silly; it was not created for artists. Artists rarely even benefit from it because suits and cases cost thousands of millions of dollars. The exceptions are lucky.
Copyright law has always been about capital. It was written by the ruling class to protect their capital, even though workers create their capital. You could also argue it railroads independent works into the hands of companies until they're forced to give it up.
Check out #edtechSR Ep 299 "Truth Over Trickery" from 26 July 2023:
@neif & @wfryer discussed #AIEthics #LanguageModels #CopyrightLaw #MediaLiteracy #CriticalThinking #SocialMedia #EdTech #STEMeducation #AI #STEM #MediaLit & more!
#edtechsr #aiethics #languagemodels #copyrightlaw #medialiteracy #criticalthinking #socialmedia #edtech #stemeducation #ai #stem #medialit
My latest post on Medium. If you haven’t done so yet, please follow me there. Thanks.
You don’t really own your eBooks. When you "buy" an eBook, you actually enter into a limited licensing agreement that severely curtails your rights. Read more about it here.
#eBooks #Publishing #DigitalPublishing #Copyright #CopyrightLaw
#ebooks #publishing #digitalpublishing #copyright #copyrightlaw
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Recording Academy Clarifies That Grammy Awards Are Only for Humans #Jezebel #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #academicdisciplines #alisongoldfrapp #thegrammyawards #harveymasonjr #grammyawards #copyrightlaw #grammyaward #thegrammys #musicians #deminimis #articles #grammy #oscars #drake #ai
#jezebel #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #academicdisciplines #alisongoldfrapp #thegrammyawards #harveymasonjr #grammyawards #copyrightlaw #grammyaward #thegrammys #musicians #deminimis #articles #grammy #Oscars #Drake #ai
Ars Technica: Google never agreed it wouldn’t copy Genius’ song lyrics, US official says #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #searchresults #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #contractlaw #songlyrics #Policy #genius #google #SCOTUS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #searchresults #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #contractlaw #songlyrics #policy #genius #google #scotus
Google never agreed it wouldn’t copy Genius’ song lyrics, US official says - Enlarge (credit: maxshutter | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Afte... - #searchresults #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #contractlaw #songlyrics #policy #genius #google #scotus
#scotus #google #genius #policy #songlyrics #contractlaw #copyrightlaw #copyrightact #searchresults
#scotus skroowed the pooch on this case. They missed a golden opportunity to rule that the Berne Copyright Convention is incompatible with the US Constitition, and that, as directed by the #constitution , #copyright in the US is currently unconstitutional and should expire after 28 years.
#Copyright was intended to last for a limited time, not to provide a continuing income stream for creators, and certainly not for the #heirs and #estates.
#copyrights #copyrightlaw #archivist #scotusblog #fairuse #fairuseweek #fairusedoctrine #publicdomain #PublicDomainDayCountdown #publicdomainday #publicdomainday #publicdomainday2023 #libraryofcongress
#scotus #constitution #copyright #heirs #estates #copyrights #copyrightlaw #archivist #scotusblog #fairuse #fairuseweek #fairusedoctrine #publicdomain #publicdomaindaycountdown #publicdomainday #publicdomainday2023 #libraryofcongress
#TorrentFreak :
Potential Impact on Major Pirate Sites as Vietnam ISPs Face New Responsibilities #LawandPolitics #copyrightlaw #bestbuyiptv #fmovies #vietnam #9anime #fembed
#torrentfreak #lawandpolitics #copyrightlaw #bestbuyiptv #fmovies #vietnam #9anime #fembed
🚨 Stability AI has filed a motion to dismiss the Getty Images lawsuit 🚨
On May 2, Stability AI filed a couple of documents, including its motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought by Getty Images.
More analysis in🧵
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #copyright #CopyrightLaw
#ai #artificialintelligence #copyright #copyrightlaw
Opinion | The Ed Sheeran lawsuit is a threat to Western civilization. Really. - The Washington Post
#music #copyright #copyrightlaw
Global News BC: Should non-Indigenous people buy, wear Indigenous art? Creators say it depends #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AuthenticIndigenousart #firstnationsart #appropriation #IndigenousArt #Perspectives #appreciation #AuthenticArt #CopyrightAct #CopyrightLaw #FirstNations #beadwork #Artists #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #authenticindigenousart #firstnationsart #appropriation #Indigenousart #perspectives #appreciation #authenticart #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #firstnations #beadwork #artists #Canada
Using #CopyrightLaw to decide #AI issues is like using laws made for pedestrians to regulate cars.
Can we just skip this pointless step, and go straight to discussing what we think is RIGHT, regardless of ancient laws? And then democratically legislate.
(Also, I hate that it seems like it's up to American judges to decide if oversized trucks can run wild in my Norwegian neighbourhood.)